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• July 22nd •

• Angelina's POV •

When I woke up this morning, I went downstairs to look for Susannah and found nothing. I looked around the house until I finally decided to go to her room. I cracked the door open only to see her still asleep in bed.

Weird. She's never in bed after 9am.

I attempted to close the door silently and retreat from her room, but her voice stopped me.

"Hello?" She called out with a yawn.

I opened her door all the way and revealed it was me.

"Flower?" She asked as she sat up.

"Morning, Suz, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to wake you."

"It's okay, I should've been awake anyway," she smiled. "Come sit with me."

She made room for me and I crawled into bed with her, bundling myself in her large comforter. I came here because I realized that I hadn't spent too much time with Susannah all summer. I expected to get more time with her since we had more than 2 weeks, but the time got away from me.

"We haven't spent much time together this summer." I said.

She shrugged with a bob of her head. "I let you enjoy your summer. It's different here than in Highland."

She was right. Cousins was different in many ways, whether good or bad. Nothing compared to Highland for me, but Cousins was a close second. I understood why the Fishers were so obsessed with this place.

"It is. I'm sad I may never see this place again, I've fallen in love with it so fast."

"This place will always be here for you, Flower." She assured me.

We called Jeremiah into the room, but only to force him to make us breakfast. He made us both avocado toast and handed them out to us before leaving the room, giving us time to ourselves. We spent the rest of the morning catching up on everything.

I loved mornings like these in Highland. The only thing missing was..

"Cocoa?" Jeremiah asked as he walked back into the room.

"It's like 100° outside." Susannah laughed.

"When does Angel ever say no to cocoa, though?" Jeremiah asked rhetorically as he handed us our mugs.

Extra marshmallows, just like I like it. Jeremiah was slowly, but surely giving me more confidence in him. He'd returned to the sweet and thoughtful boy I was best friends with in such a short time.

"So, you and Jere?" Susannah asked once Jeremiah had left the room again.

"We talked, like you said." I explained sheepishly.

"I haven't seen him this happy in so long," she beamed and leaned into me. "You too."


"Jeremiah's never been a moody person, but today he's just so full of sunshine. To be coming back and forth like that with no sarcastic remarks? It's like he's incapable of complaints." She sipped her cocoa and raised her brows.

"How do you know it's because of me?"

"He won't leave you alone."

"Maybe it's you that he won't leave alone. You know how much he loves you. He's a real momma's boy."

I wanted to take Susannah's words as facts, but I didn't want to get my hopes up. Yes, I love him, but this is the best our relationship has been in years. Why mess it up by trying to make him feel something he probably doesn't feel?

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