I Want You

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• June 24th •

• Angelina's POV •

Susannah's old colleague finally got back to her on letting me practice in her studio. Susannah had given me a ride to the place and as soon as I walked in, it felt like home.

It was a smaller studio with mirrors surrounding the dance area. It had a cozy atmosphere, something I'm not used to. Usually dance studios were all white and gave an asylum type of vibe, but this one was old and elegant. Painting of famous dancers lined the tan colored walls along with golden designs.

"You must be Angelina," an older woman with blonde hair and posh accent approached Susannah and I. "I am Georgina Hamilton."

She extended her hand for me to shake and I took it eagerly. "Nice to meet you."

"It's lovely to see you again, Georgina." Susannah hugged the woman.

"Always a pleasure seeing you, dear Susannah." She smiled when they pulled away. "Now I'm going to have to politely ask you to leave so that I can work with your pupil."

Susannah gave me a kiss on the forehead before exiting the studio. Georgina asked me to show her a routine so that she could see how skilled I was.

As I began to dance, I felt the movements take over. My body was no longer mine, it belonged to the dance and I just flowed with it. I hadn't danced in what felt like forever and so my body was itching to feel like this again.

I felt no stress, no pain, no worries.

I was free.


After my meeting with Georgina, Steven came and picked me up. It was really late by the time I was done. We went and got McDonald's and then came back home to 1v1 in Brawlhalla.

Ever since learning that I was thinking of going home Steven wouldn't leave me alone. And not in a bad way. He made sure that I had company everyday and even when he worked, he texted and checked on me constantly.

It was his idea to pick me and up and also his idea to play Brawl, claiming he wanted to whoop my ass.

We were in the middle of a match when Jeremiah walked into the living room. My once happy mood was now replaced with anxiety. I was in a really good mood and I was scared that Jeremiah was here to ruin it, but on the other hand I hadn't talked to him in a while and it was nice to see him for an extended period of time.

I fucking hate how I feel about this boy.

"Sup, dude!" Steven said to him as he sat on the other side of him.

"I get next round." He announced to us.

"You wanna play the winner or both of us?" Steven asked him.

"Winner." He said.

"You'll be playing me because I'm about to smoke little Lina over here." He said cockily.

He was wrong. I was winning by 2 stocks already and his health was in the red. The deep red. He stood no chance.

Within the next minute I beat Steven and he threw his controller on the couch. "I hate it here!"

Jeremiah and I laughed at his childishness as he stood off the couch.

"I'm gonna make a grilled cheese." He said with a somber tone and left the living room.

Silence fell over the room as Jeremiah grabbed Steven's controller and we readied up the game. I could feel his stare on the side of my face, but I ignored it. I wasn't falling into that trap again.

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