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• December 17th •

Angelina Hudson had always thought that the Fishers were so lucky seeing as they have a vacation place to go during summer and winter.

She only had winter.

Every year the Hudsons and the Fishers vacationed in a cozy resort lodge called Highland. And every year Angelina's best friend, Conrad would constantly talk to her about the adventures he and his brother, Jeremiah shared with their friends in Boston and then the ones with their friends in Cousins. She'd always dreamt about going to spend the summer with them because the boys hated the cold, and they hated snow even more.

It was a mystery to Angelina because Susannah forced them to stay in a place they didn't seem to like much. She wanted nothing more than to experience what they're like in an environment where they get to fully enjoy themselves.

Maybe then her and Jeremiah could actually coexist without tearing each other's heads off. Angelina and Jeremiah did not have a good relationship whatsoever. While she was besties with Conrad, Jeremiah had a distaste towards her without a given reason.

They were close friends up until they were 13. One year Jeremiah was his usual sweet and welcoming self and the next he hated her guts. He teased and tormented her to the point that she grew hateful feelings towards him. Their rivalry slowly built throughout the next few years.

She wished on several occasions that Susannah, the boys' mother would just leave him in Boston and only bring Conrad. Sometimes she could even tell that Conrad didn't fully like coming to Highland.

Unbeknownst to her, Conrad never complained to their mother about visiting Highland because he was always excited to see Angelina.

He didn't care much about being stuck inside for 2 weeks every year due to them not liking to bundle up and go outside. He was content running through the halls and making up activities to do with her from inside the lodge.

And as for Jeremiah..

There were a few things that kept him coming.


• Angelina's POV •

I awoke to my alarm blaring Klink by Smino. My eyes opened and I expected there to be daylight shining through my window, but I was instead welcomed to complete darkness. I looked at my phone to see that it was 5am.

Once I realized what today was, I gained consciousness and jumped out of bed to run downstairs. I practically skipped down the stairs and was met in the kitchen by my parents already having breakfast.

"Someone's ready to go." My father spoke with an amused smile.

He had a cup of coffee in one hand and his phone in the other, not even looking up at me to talk, too focused on his screen.

"I've already packed my things in the car," I ignored his statement. "You two need to get up and let's go before we miss our flight."

My mother faked an annoyed face that was broken with a smile. I noticed she was wearing the maroon knit scarf I'd gotten her for her birthday. It looked beautiful in contrast with her brown skin.

"Slow down and eat something." She walked over to me with a plate of avocado toast and eggs over easy. I slouched in my seat and picked up my fork hastily.

I dug into my plate, not realizing how actually hungry I was until I was a few bites in. My parents started conversing about the trip, but I tuned them out as soon as I got a snap from none other than Conrad Fisher.

I looked down at my phone to see his name pop up on my screen. I opened the snap and there was a black and white photo of him smiling with the caption "Hiiiiiiiiii".

I took a picture of myself smiling and captioned it "hiiiiii".

I couldn't help the cheesy grin plastered on my face. I started thinking about how much fun we'd have when we got to Highland. I already had a slew of activities for us to enjoy together.

It was my mom's voice that brought me back to reality.

"I must be talking to myself," she snapped at me. "Angelina Hudson!"

"Yes?" I looked up at my mom who rolled her eyes when she finally got my attention. My dad simply chuckled as he took a sip of his coffee.

"You're always so occupied with that phone; you can't even hear when someone is talking to you." She whined as she grabbed mine and my dad's dishes.

"Sorry mom." I stood to go wash the dishes she placed in the sink.

Usually, I'd playfully combat her to piss her off, but I didn't want a single thing to go wrong before the trip. I couldn't risk her getting mad at me and putting me on punishment right before we got there.

I finished the dishes and we finally left.

As I entered the pre-packed car, a Snapchat notification went off on my phone again. I eagerly unlocked my phone to see another snap from Con.

"Get ready for the best 2 weeks of ur life" his caption stated with another photo of him with a peace sign.

"What's got you so smiley back there?" My dad peered at me through the rear-view mirror.

"Tessa." I lied immediately.

I knew that if I told them I was smiling because of Conrad, they'd assume we were dating and lecture me about protective sex. So, I used my best friend as a cover up. I'm sure she wouldn't mind. With the amount of times I've covered for her with her parents, we should be even.

I took a photo of what I saw on the outside of the car to snap him back. I captioned it "I'll hold u to that 🙃".

I shuffled one of my playlists on Spotify and the first song to come on was Caution by Cuco. I turned the volume to max and rested my head against the door ready for the trip ahead.


Hiiii welcome to Shots Fired. Hope you enjoy! Also, I have an mc model, but I don't describe her much so you can imagine whoever you want 🫶🏽

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