Basement Jack

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• Party •

Guests filled the house long before the party was supposed to even start. There were young people dancing and chattering all around the house. I was currently sat on the edge of the pool sharing a mixed drink with Dani who was talking to a friend on the side of her.

Someone caught my attention when they spoke in my direction.

"Hey gorgeous," I turned my head and Luka was coming to sit next to me.

"Hi handsome." I smiled and waved at him.

"You look hot."

Where have I heard those words before? Before my mind can even catch up, my eyes find Jeremiah next to the beer pong table that the boys had set up. He was standing in a group leaning over some blonde chick and laughing.

"Thank you." I answer the boy on the side of me.

"Have you found an escort yet?" He asked and took a sip from his cup.

I shrugged with a smirk. "Haven't met anyone here yet. Do you see any potential matches?"

He leans over flirtatiously and playfully groans. "C'mon Ange, you wanna ask some new guy to be your escort instead of someone you're already familiar with?"

Is he asking to be my escort? I looked back into his forest green eyes and swooned a bit.

Luka's a sweet guy. I wished I could take my mind off of Jeremiah and fall for Luka instead.

"Is this what I think it is?" I asked.

He smiled widely and I knew I had him. "I mean why not?"

Before I could confirm if we were talking about the same thing, Conrad swam up to me and laid his wet head on my knees.

"Connie, you're gonna get my skirt wet!" I scolded.

"Lina!" He slurred. "Lina, Lina, Lina!"

I looked over to Luka and found him looking pretty pissed. Conrad did just ruin our moment. Will I ever get a moment with Luka that's not interrupted?

"Con, I was kinda busy." I tell him as I brush some of his hair out of his face.

Conrad looked up at me with his blue eyes and pointed at my neck. "Are those hickeys?"

Fuck you Conrad!

"It's an allergic reaction." I played it off quickly.

"Conrad!" Nicole calls him from inside.

He swims to the ladder and follows her inside. She'd been calling his name all day, never letting him leave her side. No one could get a word in with him all night.

My eyes caught Jeremiah again and there he was still hunched over the chick. I shouldn't be jealous. He's nothing to me.

Suddenly I no longer want to be sitting where I had a view of him so I stand and help Dani up beside me.

"Gonna get another drink." I announced to Luka who nodded in response.

Dani excused herself from her friend and walked with me back into the house. She gave me a disapproving look that let know she had a mouthful for me later for flirting with her brother.

Shots Fired (Jeremiah Fisher)Where stories live. Discover now