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• Angelina's POV •

• Smut Warning •

After coming back from our date, it was around midday and the house seemed pretty empty, so we made our way upstairs ready to alleviate the tension between us the entire day. We ran hand in hand into his room with the same agenda on our minds.

Once the door was closed, I pulled Jeremiah into a passionate kiss. I guided him backward into the bed and we both collapsed onto it clumsily. We briefly laughed at ourselves before climbing further into the bed and me situating myself on top of him.

He grabbed my hips as I began to slowly grind on top of him, already feeling his excitement under me. He groaned in my mouth causing me to go just a little faster. I unattached my lips to his and went for his neck instead. I laid sloppy kisses along him, sucking and softly biting at his skin.

He loved it.

His fingers dug into my hips and small sounds left his mouth while I explored him with my teeth and tongue. I pulled his hoodie and T-shirt off together and began focusing on his chest and collarbone. I was definitely leaving marks, but neither of us cared anymore. I wanted anyone who got to see him shirtless to know that he was mine and mine only.

He pulled my top off and was pleasantly shocked to see I wasn't wearing a bra. He leaned down until his mouth found my nipple, flicking his tongue around it and sucking. I tilted my head back in pleasure while his hands unbuttoned my pants. He slipped his hand into my underwear, teasing me in my most sensitive area. I got impatient and sat up on my knees to pull my pants off, him doing the same.

I grabbed him where I wanted him and stroked it slowly, watching him crave for me to speed up. He tried to grab my hand and make ms go faster, but I pushed him off, loving how he reacts when I tease him. Finally getting worked up enough myself, I adjusted myself to place him at my entrance. We usually did foreplay, but I wanted him inside of me right then and there.

"No condom?" He asked.

"Nope." I answered. "Do you want it?"

"Nope." He smirked.

I was on birth control and though I knew it was always smart to double protect myself, I was caught up in the moment and it seemed that we both were when he immediately agreed.

I lowered myself onto him, loving the new feeling of him being inside of me without the protection. I could already see myself getting addicted to raw sex and we hadn't even really started yet.

I sighed as I kept going, speeding up in the process. He pulled my head down by the back of my neck and kissed me sloppily. I rode him relentlessly, not showing any signs of slowing down. My thighs were beginning to ache, but it felt too good to stop.

"Angel, keep going," he moaned causing me to roll my hips harder.

I cupped his throat as I rode him, knowing he loves to be choked during times like this. He stared up at me with darkened eyes, his mouth agape slightly as his chest heaved up and down.

He began kissing down my jaw as cries left my lips, my legs beginning to shake. He tried to steady me by grabbing my hips, but my movements were beginning to become sloppier and sloppier.

"Good, baby." He encouraged breathlessly. "You're doing so good."

Who told him I had a praise kink?

I was getting closer and closer to my climax as I continued riding his thickness. We both let out a string of moans before he called my name, letting me know he was getting there as well. I tried to hold it in, wanting us to cum at the same time, but I couldn't hold it anymore.

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