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• July 29th •

Today was a sad one.

It was the last day in the house.

Our last few days were perfect. Even though we knew we were strapped for time, Jeremiah and I made the most of every second we had together. We were completely inseparable, spending our times on dates or just finding activities to do around the house.

He'd quit his job at the country club early so that he could make sure he spent as much time with me as possible before we were to be separated again.

The only downside to this was the cold shoulder I got from Conrad. Even at moments where I caught him alone, he looked at me like he had so much to say and he just never did. I'd tried to talk to him, but he shut me down every time.

Somehow when getting my old best friend back, I lost my other one.

And as for Belly.. we were.. okay.

We'd briefly talked things out and she explained that she wasn't mad at me nor did she dislike me. We were good and though our friendship wasn't perfect, it was better.

I was in my room packing away my things since I'd left it to the last minute, when I heard a knock on my door. I opened it and was met with Conrad. I hadn't expected him to ever talk to me again.

"Hi." I said, hoping that this time he'd say something.

"Hey," he greeted. "Can we talk?"

I nodded and opened my door, gesturing for him to walk inside. He walked a few paces and turned around, giving me a serious face.

"You know." He stated.

"Know what?" I asked confusedly.

"You told Jere I was going through a lot.. and the way you said it.."

It clicked just then what he meant.

So, he did know about Susannah and that's why he's been acting like this. My suspicion coming true was actually gut wrenching. It hurt to know that all this time I thought Conrad was being a bad friend, but really he was watching his Mom slowly wither away.

It must've been awful for him this summer.

"How'd you find out?" He asked to my silence.

"Accident," I said vaguely. "I'm not even supposed to know. None of us are. She said she wanted us to have one last perfect time together."

Conrad's cheeks reddened and I saw a million emotions cross his face. But one remained no matter the expression.. hurt. I could see the pain in his eyes and I felt for him.

"Does Jere know?" His voice cracked just slightly.

I shook my head. "She should tell him."

He nodded and for the first time all summer I felt like we had an understanding. If only it were under different circumstances.

"Lina, I was gonna tell you," he didn't finish his sentence because his throat caught on itself.

I could tell this was a difficult conversation for him, it was for me too. Susannah's not my mom, but she's pretty damn close. Losing her is gonna be the toughest battle I'll ever face until the day my own mom dies.

"How'd you find out?" I asked.

"I answered the phone when she got her confirmation.. and I waited for her to tell me. I thought she would tell me-"

By this time there were visible tears in his eyes. He forced them shut to try to stop them from flowing, but they cascaded down his cheek anyway.

I pulled him in and wrapped my arms around his torso. He reluctantly hugged back, bending down to sob into my shoulder. I didn't know how long we were there for, just that I wasn't letting him go until I knew he was okay.

Shots Fired (Jeremiah Fisher)Where stories live. Discover now