Gotta be you

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• June 4th •

I awoke the next morning and did my morning routine swiftly. My outfit of choice was a white romper and black vans. I applied minimal makeup and contemplated on what to do with my hair. I decided to let my curls hang around my shoulders and called it a day.

 I decided to let my curls hang around my shoulders and called it a day

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I walked downstairs and heard only the end of Belly's sentence.

".. you, I am going to find my own date."

"Date to what?" I made my existence known.

Everyone's heads whipped to me and I almost felt like I was intruding until Steven walked over to me with a grin and his hand ready for a handshake. I gave him one and took a seat next to Belly at the table.

"Neither of the boys want to take us to the deb, so we'll have to find our own dates."

I clapped in excitement. "You're doing it?"

She nodded while trying to hide her smile. I squealed and did a little happy dance in my chair. I was glad I wouldn't be doing this alone.

"As for a date, I think I have someone in mind." I smiled to Susannah who's eyes lit up.

In the back of my mind I thought of Luka. Of course Conrad was my first choice but apparently he didn't want to take me, so this could be an opportunity to get to know Luka better. And most importantly forget about Jeremiah.

Speaking of Jeremiah, I looked in his direction and at the same moment he looked in mine. It's like his eyes were telling me something his words never did. I looked away from him as Susannah stood and walked over to Belly and I.

"We're going shopping for outfits today." Susannah's warm hands rested on my shoulders.

"Wikipedia says debutante balls require instruction in morals and social etiquette." Laurel read off of her computer screen.

"I'm going for a swim." Conrad announced earning a nod from me.

As he left, Steven took the time to tease his younger sister. "She can use some etiquette."

I flipped him off for her. He clutched at his heart and pretended to be wounded. I laughed at his reaction but ceased when Jeremiah caught my eye. He was glaring at me like usual. I turned back around to Belly only to notice her looking dreamily out the window.

I followed her gaze to a half naked Conrad nearing the pool.

Well fuck.. does she like Conrad or Jeremiah? Maybe Jeremiah's little crush on her is one sided..?

"Here you are, Belly Button." Jeremiah slid over a plate of food to the girl sitting beside me.

His tone was so soft with her. And he looked at her like she was the only girl that mattered to him. I bit my cheek. His actions lately had been grasping my lungs tight and I had to ask myself why.

Shots Fired (Jeremiah Fisher)Where stories live. Discover now