Late Night

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(Slight smut warning)

Jeremiah's POV •

I've been thinking about Angelina a lot lately.

I could feel the heavy weight of the necklace she'd gotten me sitting on my chest. It sat comfortably on my neck and yet it was choking me. Every time I felt it move or remembered it was there, her face came back to the front of my mind.

I was currently in Tati's suite laying in her bed with her. I laid on my back while she had her head on my chest. I'd gotten really comfortable with her in the past few days, which is why it was so annoying how much I thought about her cousin.

Trying to piss her off by flirting with a cousin I knew she didn't get along with led me here and now I just felt bad. Tati's cute, and probably someone I really would go for, but it almost felt wrong to try to pursue her now. And I couldn't even figure out why.

Despite what Conrad thinks, there's no way I could actually like Angelina. I just liked to push her buttons. It was fun watching her get so mad at me over any little thing I did to her. I love how her nose scrunches when she's really pissed.

That's how I know I've got her.

I haven't liked her since we were kids and I want things to stay that way. No matter how much my brain forced me to think about her like that.

"What are you thinking about, Pretty Boy?" Tatiana broke me out of my thoughts. I was almost taken aback by her calling me Pretty Boy.

As weird as it sounds, that dumb name only sounds right coming from Angelina.

"Just.. football." I lied.

She used her two fingers to turn my head toward her pouting face. "You should be thinking about me."

She leaned in and kissed me. I was surprised by her action. We hadn't kissed since the gala and that one she'd also initiated.

She got on top of me as the kiss became more heated. I figured this would be a good way to take my mind off Angel. She stuck her tongue in my mouth aggressively, catching me off guard.

I tightened my grip on her waist and pulled her closer. She separated herself from me and slipped her top off.

Didn't think things were going this far, but why not?

She gripped onto the hem of my shirt and I took it off for her. Her lips detached from mine again and reattached to my neck. I felt the necklace shift on my neck and thought about Angelina yet again.

I thought about her face when I put her necklace on her. I wonder if she's discovered the engraving yet. The sensation of lips of my neck, sucking on me was euphoric, but I thought of Angelina more and my body felt like it was on fire.

I'm quickly snapped out of my thoughts when Tati yells, "What?!"

I opened my eyes in shock and found her staring at me confusedly.

That's when I realized I fucked up.

Oh I fucked up.



Oh my god!!

I called Angelina's name out instead of hers.

"So you weren't thinking about football," she got off of me. "You were thinking about her."

I had nothing to say back to her. I couldn't lie and say that I wasn't because I obviously was. I couldn't even think of a response to fix things.

Shots Fired (Jeremiah Fisher)Where stories live. Discover now