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• Jeremiah's POV •

• Flashback •

It'd been just about 3 days since leaving Cousins. My dad had just gotten back from making a deal and I was excited to see him, but of course he was more focused on Conrad not saying hi to him when he walked into the living room. Conrad was always drawing attention to himself and at this point I felt like it was on purpose.

"Connie, you're not gonna say anything to your old man?" He asked.

Conrad shrugged and began to leave. I was hoping Dad would leave it alone so that maybe I could have a one on one conversation with him and not have it be about Conrad.

That was until Dad stopped him from going any further with a hand to his chest.

"Would you leave me alone?" Conrad lashed out.

"What is it, Conrad?" Dad snapped. "What did I do that made you hate me so much?"

"Adam!" My mom walked into the living room looking as tired as ever. "Why are you here?"

"This is my damn house!" He yelled.

"Don't yell at her, you asshole!" Conrad shouted back to him.

I felt frozen as I watched the scene unfold in front of me. Things seemed to be escalating fast and with Conrad getting his temper from my dad, it would only get worse.

"You're not welcome here anymore, Adam, leave." Mom said to Dad making my eyebrows furrow together.

"Why?" I asked as I stood up. "Are you getting a divorce or something?"

"Yes!" My mom said at the same time my dad said "No!"

I was confused and it seemed like they were too.

"Just tell him, Mom." Conrad pleaded to our mother, angrily.

Dad looked away in shame while Mom crossed her arms and gave me sympathetic eyes. My chest was already caving in and I hadn't heard her out yet.

"Tell him that your divorcing Dad because he cheated on you while you were going through chemo and now you don't want him here while you die!"

It was like my entire body went into shock. I knew it! This whole time Conrad told me that Mom's weird behavior was just her getting old, but she's only in her 40's. Laurel's the same age and she's not sleeping until midday and losing her strength every five seconds.

How could I have been so blind to it? I just didn't want to believe my suspicions.

"Conrad!" Dad shouted to him, but he was already pushing past him to get out the door, making him follow after him.

I sat back down, my legs no longer able to keep me upright.

"Jere!" Mom walked over to me and sat next to me, pulling me into her chest.

I didn't even feel the tears. I just knew that my vision was blurry and I could barely breathe.

"You weren't supposed to find out like this, Jeremiah, I'm so sorry." Mom said to me, but I wasn't really listening.

This had to be the worst thing I ever felt.


• Present Day •

After a lot of convincing, mine and Angelina's mom agreed to let me stay for a few days with Angelina. Analisa agreed to let Angelina skip school the upcoming Monday and Tuesday as long as she stayed on top of her grades after that. She was understanding to our situation which I was super thankful for.

Shots Fired (Jeremiah Fisher)Where stories live. Discover now