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(Long ass chapter. My bad. I like words bro)

• June 29th •

I woke up to someone calling my name. It'd been a few days since our first time and Angelina had slept in my room every one of those nights. You can imagine what happened during those nights. I smiled when I saw her standing over me, her messy curls all over her face. Last night flashed in my head making me smile harder.

It wasn't until I looked to the right and saw my mom who looked furious that I jolted upright.

"Yeah, we're caught." Angelina said.

"Angelina, sit." My mom instructed her and she immediately sat down on the far end of the bed.

She looked scared and I knew it was because my mom had never been stern with her. She never needed to and so this must've been a shock for her.

"I understand that you two are young and you have impulses, but I wish you would've talked to me before making this decision. I love that you're finally getting along but this is not how I wanted to find out. Did you at least use protection?"

"Of course, Mom, we're not idiots." I muttered.

"You're not? Sneaking around under everyone's noses in a house full of people isn't an idiot thing to do?"

She got me there. I looked over to Angelina who had her head down in shame. I wanted to grab her hand and comfort her, but I knew it wasn't the right move right now.

"How long have you two been doing this?" She asked.

I was going to lie and say that things just started, but Angelina had spoken up already. "Since Highland."

My mom's eyes bugged out and then narrowed. "Okay, I'm confused."

"It wasn't sex until now, it was just... other stuff." I explained.

"Don't you think you're too young to be having casual sex? I could see if you were together, but you've been acting like you hate each other for years. How is that healthy?"

We both stayed quiet. I didn't want my mom's words to influence how Angelina went about our relationship from now on. Not just because I liked sleeping with her, but because when we weren't hooking up we were fighting and I just couldn't go back to that.

"We will have a discussion about this later," she sighed. "You two keep your hands to yourselves."

"Yes, ma'am." Angelina said while I gave her a nod.

My mom huffed a loud breath and walked back out of the room, shutting the door behind her. I immediately pulled Angelina over to my side of the bed where I put my arm around her.

"I told you we shouldn't cuddle in the mornings, she always barges in." She lectured me.

"Yeah, yeah, well she's gone now." I tilted her head up and planted a lingering kiss on her lips.

"Out of this room!" Mom busted in the door forcing us to jump back.

What a cockblock.

• Angelina's POV •

I left Jeremiah's room and went to go get ready for practice with Georgina. I put on my crocs and grabbed my pointe shoes before heading downstairs where Susannah finished up breakfast, only Jeremiah and Conrad keeping her company.

"Morning, guys." I announced my presence to the room.

"I'm sure you had a great morning." Susannah said jokingly.

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