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• June 11th •

After waking up and heading to the restroom, I ran into Belly who ran to the other side of the hallway as soon as she saw me.

"I'm sick, don't come near!" She warned with a nasally voice.

I laughed loudly at her dramatics. "I guess that means you're not going to the deb rehearsal today?"

"Not like this." She gestures to her puffy eyes and pale skin.

"Feel better, kid." I told her and then walked into the restroom like I planned.

I showered and put on the dress I was to be wearing for the day. It was a white sundress with blue floral print. I put my hair up in a sleek ponytail and paired my dress with Cinderella-like clear heels.

 I put my hair up in a sleek ponytail and paired my dress with Cinderella-like clear heels

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It wasn't until I walked downstairs that I realized I had no ride. Laurel and Susannah had warned us that they'd be gone this morning and to find our own ride and I completely forgot.

I cursed under my breath and walked back upstairs to Conrad's door. I knew he was still sleeping, but I only had 30 minutes to get to the country club. I thought for a second about asking Jeremiah, knowing that he had work in a bit but then briefly remembered about his switch in attitude.

Before I could knock on Con's door, Jeremiah's opened and he stepped outside of it.

"Of course you're at his door." He snarked.

I whipped around. "And you have a problem with this, why?"

"Never said I had a problem," he shrugged. "Do what you want, Angelina."

I know it's my name, but I hate it coming out of his mouth. It's almost worse than Angel Face. And the way he said it with so much venom, how is this the same boy that I had feelings for?

He didn't even realize how much he was hurting me by being like this. And I was starting to feel like even if he did know, he wouldn't care.

I turned back around and knocked on his brother's door like I'd planned. He walked away after and I forced myself not to turn around and watch him go.

I hate that I have to hate him.


The last few deb rehearsals were about us learning to waltz. I was lucky that our most focused on activity was memorizing a dance. That's extremely easy for me. I figured it would be a good outlet for me while Susannah waited for her colleague to get back to her on letting me practice at their studio.

The only con to this whole thing was that Luka wasn't the best dancer. He did good on easy steps, but the ones that required more effort, he struggled with. I'd gotten my toes stepped on at least 3 times.

I began to wish that I'd picked a better dancer as an escort. Or even someone who'd done the dances before like Conrad. I knew that he was trying though, so I worked with him as much as I could but it still didn't seem to be enough.

Shots Fired (Jeremiah Fisher)Where stories live. Discover now