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• After shopping •

Conrad and I went to a bunch of different shops in Highland's shopping center before landing upon a little jewelry store. I bought Susannah a flower pendant. She always calls me her little Angel Flower so I thought it was the perfect gift for her.

Susannah was always like a second mother to me. She looked out for me and was even the reason why I started dancing as a child, which has been my lifelong passion since. She was my biggest inspiration so hers was an appreciation gift to let her know how much she means to me.  

When we got back to my suite, I immediately turned my AC up by 5° and changed into a comfy pair of sweatpants and a form fitting long sleeve shirt. Conrad and I decided to watch a movie, so I wanted to be cozy.

Midway through scrolling Netflix's comedy movie section I got a call. Evil Rat Bitch 🐀 appeared on my screen and I rolled my eyes before answering.

"What do you want?" I asked.

"Where are you guys?" Jeremiah asked on the other end completely ignoring my question.

"Is there something you need?"

"None of my friends are here yet and Con's not answering his phone and I know he's with you." He spoke in a lazy tone.

"How do you know he's with me?" I ran to my door to lock it just in case he knew where my room was and walked right in.

Something he's done many times.

Of course, I was too late, Jeremiah was already pushing the door open before I even got there. I groaned loudly and locked the door before he sat where I was sitting on the couch.

"How did you know where my room was?" I asked as I pushed him to make room for myself in the middle of them.

"Your mom said it." He smirked and grabbed my marshmallows off the coffee table.

I slapped his hand making him drop them. No one was allowed to touch my sacred marshmallows. Jeremiah knew that but as always, he was trying to work my last nerve.

He could be so annoying sometimes, but I didn't have it in me to kick him out. I knew that him being here meant that otherwise he'd be alone, and I would rather be mildly irritated than to let my best friend's brother be alone. Conrad was the only other person he knew right now besides me and it's not like Jeremiah and I would ever willingly hangout with each other.

So, I allowed to him to stay but as soon as the other fuckers he likes to hang out with touch down in Highland, he's out for good.

I continued to scroll through Netflix for a movie. Every suggestion I made; Jeremiah's evil ass was there to decline it. Hanging out with him is like being in my own personal hell.

"Fuck it, you choose." I handed the remote to him and got up to get my phone that I left on the counter.

"Don't mind if I do."

It's like when I'm around him, my eyes roll at least every 45 seconds. Annoying bitch.

I answered a few texts from friends back home as I walked back over to the couch. I looked up to see where I was going, and I noticed Jeremiah's eyes not on the tv screen. His eyes were wandering over my body giving me goosebumps almost instantly. He looked away as soon as he noticed I was looking at him. I saw the tips of his ears redden slightly.

Certain thoughts flashed through my mind as I was under his gaze, and I had to snap myself out of them immediately. This is his second time checking me out. I won't lie and say I haven't been checking him out a bit, but it didn't take away from my disgust. He may look good and yeah; he did grow about a foot over the other seasons but he's still an asshole.

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