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• June 5th •

I was downstairs eating pancakes with Steven, Belly, Susannah, and Laurel when I got a surprising phone call. It was Sadie!

"Sadie?" I answered.

"Guess who booked a bus trip to Cousins and is staying for two whole weeks?" She squealed on the other end.

I screamed loudly in excitement, my feet stomping against the floor like a happy toddler.

"God, Ange, noise control please?" Steven complained while closing his ears.

He's such a baby.

"Have you told Dani?" I asked the girl on the other end and ignored the boy beside me.

"Yeah, we're together right now. We were gonna surprise you, but then we realized that I can't check in to my Airbnb until 3pm and we can't go to Dani's house because her parents don't allow guests over."

"What the fuck? Why don't they?" I asked.

"No clue... anyway do you think we can come to your special little summer house with your special little boys?"

My eyes squinted when I realized this was probably just a ploy to make comments about the boys again, but I was too excited to tell them no over something they'd end up doing anyway.

"Here let me ask," I separated the phone from my ear and looked up to the two adults still making pancakes for the teens who weren't awake yet. "Laurel, Susannah, can I have some friends over today?"

Susannah's face lit with a smile. "Of course, hon. My little social butterfly already making friends here."

"Belly doesn't even have friends." Steven joked.

Belly flipped him off and said, "Steven, your only friends here are people you've known since you were 2."

I laughed at her response and so did Jeremiah as he walked into the kitchen. "Damn, Steven, you're gonna let her bitch you like that?"

Steven nudged my shoulder as I attempted to take another bite of my pancake, making it flip back into the plate. "Ange, handle my light work."

He nodded toward Jeremiah who was taking a seat in front of me. The blond gave me a daring look with raised eyebrows. Last night flashed back into my mind and I had to quickly brush the thought off.

"Wrestle it out." I shrugged.

The two boys took on the challenge and started trying to grab at each other. They started wrestling around the moms who were trying to make sure they didn't spill anything.

"Not in the house!" Susannah yelled, but the boys were so engrossed in their fight, they didn't hear her.

Susannah eyed me from the stove. "You did this."

I laughed which caused her to break her stern look and laugh with me. Being here was starting to feel more comfortable. This was slowly turning into a really good summer.


Sadie and Dani came over about an hour after breakfast. Everyone was scattered around the house by that time, Laurel and Susannah in the family room watching a movie, Belly was somewhere upstairs, Jeremiah was out in the backyard with Steven, and Con and I were waiting for the girls in the kitchen.

When they arrived, we had a heartfelt and also loud reunion. I called everyone from their separate places in the home and introduced the girls to those who didn't know them.

Their greetings ended when all the kids gathered in the kitchen to figure out what we were gonna plan together. Somehow everyone fell into a silent agreement that we'd all spend this day together.

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