Beach Night

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• Steven's POV •

I was walking back to the kitchen after dropping off food to a table of men playing poker when I heard familiar voices shouting.

Angelina and Jeremiah. Tsk, of course it is.

Jeremiah didn't see me when he stormed out of the room. He walked past me with probably the maddest look I'd ever seen on his face. This girl must be putting him through it.

I hated that things were only seeming to get worse between them. They both wanted their relationship to be different, but were too stupid to do anything about it. I decided to text Dani and ask for advice since we'd already been scheming.

Me: I just heard them fighting in the movie room

Daniii: ugh every time they talk they fight

Me: wat do I do?

Daniii: they need to be forced to get along. u should coax them into a group setting

Me: good idea


• June 16th •

• Angelina's POV •

It'd been a few days since I'd last talked to Jeremiah. Every time I saw him now it was a cold shoulder and a blank stare. Somehow with every conversation we had things only seemed to get worse. He hadn't even asked me his prying questions anymore. It was just silence.

It was a Saturday and so since the boys were off, Steven had decided that all of us kids would have a mandatory sleepover on the beach. I didn't oppose since I hadn't hung out with the whole group since Sadie's party.

I was nervous about being around Jeremiah for so long but figured I'd just ignore his presence and hope for the best.

When the sun began to set, we all walked out on the beach with tents, sleeping bags, and loads of snacks. While Jeremiah, Steven and I attempted to create a bonfire, Belly sat on her phone while Conrad lingered around smoking a cigarette.

That boy's lungs can't be doing well.

I'm not one to talk though.

I figured the boys could do on their own with the bonfire and stood to go mess with Conrad.

"Hi, Lina." He gave me a lazy smile as I got closer.

"Hi, Connie, how are you?" I asked him returning a wider smile. We began slowly walking in the opposite direction of the group.

"I'm a little tired but Steven seemed adamant on us all being here so I'm here."

I giggled at his response. "Well, you only have to put up with us for a night."

"Looking forward to it." He leaned into me giving me a slightly shoulder nudge.

"I hope this night stays peaceful." I admitted.

"Why wouldn't it?" He looked back to the group to gage our distance. "Cause of Jere?"

I sighed. "You know how things are."

"Just ignore him if he says anything to you." He suggested.

"Yeah, I know, but it doesn't stop it from getting under my skin."

"If he bothers you, I'll tickle his armpits," Conrad stuck his fingers out and wiggled them around to simulate tickling. "Deal?"

This was a great deal because Jeremiah's the most ticklish in his armpits, a weakness I've utilized many times.

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