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December 31st •

The entire day I thought about last night.

I can't believe I hooked up with Jeremiah last night. I've hated him for so long. I couldn't wrap my head around the things I was feeling for him now.

I'd woken up in his bed the next morning by a phone call from my mother who was making sure I was packed for the trip back home. I'd almost forgotten that I was supposed to be going home.

When I left his bed, Jeremiah was still asleep. I didn't know whether or not to tell him goodbye. I also didn't know if things were going to change between us.

Do I want them to?

My mind was finally taken off of Jeremiah when I noticed my mom's weird behavior once again. She'd dodged my questions about my dad the entire plane ride back to Manhattan.

From them being uncomfortable with each other on gala night, to my dad randomly disappearing on Christmas and my mother not having her wedding ring on.. something was going on between the two.

I glanced at her fingers that were gripping the steering wheel as we drove back to our home. The ring was surprisingly present this time.

"I have a nail appointment in 45 so I'll drop you home and head straight there." My mother told me.

When we made it home I saw my father's car parked in the driveway. My intention was to question him on why the fuck he left on Christmas randomly.

My head was full of thoughts as I got out of the now parked car. I wasted no time in grabbing my bags and heading inside the house, ready for a confrontation. I walked upstairs and placed my bags in my room before looking around for him.

I found him sitting in his office with his laptop, typing away.

"Hey, Dad." I greeted as I walked in.

"Hi, honey." He looked up briefly to give me a small smile.

"Why did you disappear on Christmas?" I asked. "I never got to give you this."

I presented him with his unopened gift. He grabbed it from me and unwrapped it. I'd gotten him a Parker vector camouflage gift set. It was a small gift but I knew he'd appreciate it.

"Thank you, sweetheart." He stood from his chair and hugged me.

"So.. my question?" I urged.

He sat back in his chair and sighed. "Just work."

His response was short, meaning if I pushed him any further he'd get upset with me. I didn't want that so I went back up to my room without another word.

I wanted badly to get to the bottom of things, but first I needed to sleep. I hadn't gotten much sleep the previous night because of Jeremiah so I was using my time very wisely.

I klonked out at soon as my head hit my pillow.


When I woke up from my nap I took a well needed shower and called Tessa to let her know I was back in town. I filled her in on all of what happened in the past few days, finally ending off with my rendezvous with Jeremiah last night.

"You fucked Jeremiah Fisher?" She yelled with bugged out eyes.

"We didn't fuck," I laughed. "But we did everything before that."

"Was it better than Nathan?" She asked mentioning my ex boyfriend that'd cheated on me.

"My ears were ringing after," her eyes widened once more and she had a goofy grin plastered across her face. "I'm almost scared to see what happens if we have actual sex."

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