Shower Love

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• After the event •

Jeremiah and I were conversing with Steven and Shayla while everyone was saying their goodbyes and getting ready to leave. Susannah walked up to us with concern written on her face.

"Hey, have you guys seen Belly and Conrad? I can't find them anywhere."

We all shook our heads no.

"We can go looking for them." Steven suggested.

"Will you?" Susannah asked.

"Of course, Mom, they probably snuck off somewhere." Jeremiah answered for us.

Shayla and Steven dispersed from Jeremiah and I. We walked hand in hand through the country club until we heard Belly and Conrad's voices down an empty hallway. We rounded the corner and when we got closer, we heard what they were saying. We both paused, realizing that they were in a heated discussion again.

"Belly, I want you." Conrad said to Belly.

What a load of bullshit.

"You don't!" She yelled. "All my life you were all I wanted and it's Angelina you want?"

Wait, it's Conrad that she wants?

What the fuck! This whole time I thought she disliked me because of Jeremiah. I mean, it was him that I caught her kissing. How could it have been Conrad this whole time? You can't be in love with one brother and then kiss the other!

"What?" Conrad asked.

"I heard you confess your feelings to her yesterday." Belly revealed.

"What?" Jeremiah said aloud, making our presence known to them.

They finally noticed we were there and Jeremiah's grip on my hand tightened.

"You confessed your feelings to my girlfriend?" Jeremiah seethed.

"I- no- well, yeah, but-" Conrad stuttered over his words, failing to come up with an explanation.

Jeremiah looked at me in disbelief and I felt his hand loosen against mine until it was no longer intertwined.

"Why didn't you tell me?" He asked.

"Because I didn't want you to be angry at your brother. He's going through a lot."

Which was completely true. I didn't know whether or not Conrad knew about Susannah, but with the way he'd been acting, it was a possible explanation. My happy Connie was gone this summer and I could only imagine that something as grueling as his mother dying would bring him down so drastically.

Even if I was wrong about that, his panic attacks seemed to be enough to deal with on their own. There was something going on in his life and I didn't want his brother being angry at him to add to that.

"Oh my god, he isn't going through shit. He just wants someone to feel bad for him. He wants you to feel bad for him so he can try to get you." Jeremiah spat.

"Shut up, Jeremiah," Conrad defended against his brother. "You're talking out of your ass... I'm sorry, okay, it slipped. I never intended for her to find out."

Jeremiah stepped closer to Conrad and I began to fear that he'd physically hurt him.

"You always get everything you want. Girls, grades, Dad, football, even Belly. Now you want Angel?"

"For fucks sake, Jeremiah, you didn't even talk to her for 4 years! I was there for her! Where were you when Nathan cheated on her and she cried for months?!"

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