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• Christmas Day •

It's finally Christmas!

To recap, over the past few days I've only really been hanging out with Dani, Sadie, Conrad and Luka. Tatiana joined our girls days sometimes but she mainly hung out with Jeremiah lately.

I guess they're a thing now.

Conrad and I had daily morning meetings for breakfast that were not to be skipped for anything. I don't know how we started this little routine, but I didn't mind it at all. Con was always someone who brought me an immense amount of comfort. Being with him in the mornings usually brightens my day.

When I woke up on Christmas Day I immediately did my morning routine and sprinted to Susannah's suite. It's tradition that on Christmas morning everyone meet in Susannah's suite and exchange gifts.

We wear our pajamas and watch movies, eat cookies, play board games, and then without the adults we kids end off our night with cocoa and marshmallows downstairs when everyone is gone or asleep and the fireplace is free for use in the lobby.

When I reached Susannah's room, only she and my mother were there.

"Merry Christmas!" my mother stood from her place on the floor and came to give me a hug and forehead kiss.

"Merry Christmas, Mom." I smiled into her hug. "Merry Christmas, Susannah."

Susannah also stood and hugged me tightly. "Merry Christmas, my Angel Flower."

I noticed that along with everyone else not being there, my father also wasn't.

"Where's Dad?" I asked my mom as we sat on the floor.

"Work." My mother answered a little too quick. "Last minute business trip. You know how it is."

I nodded and kept a brave face even though I was saddened by the absence of my father. He never worked on Christmas. He and my mom always made sure to take off on Christmas Day.

And even then, they worked remotely for the holidays.. what business did he have that took him away on today of all days?

My thoughts are thrown out the window when Conrad joins us. He's got a giant gift bag in his hand that he sets aside before coming to the carpet.

Conrad's notorious for being terrible at wrapping gifts so we never forced him to. He always hid his gifts in a really big gift bag and just fished for them as we exchanged.

He sits next to me and my previous worries are instantly gone as I lean on him and we utter Merry Christmas to each other simultaneously.

The moms belt more Merry Christmases and Susannah serves us frosted cookies with sprinkles. I melt over these every time. She gets them from the bakery in the resort and I know that I could easily go downstairs and get them any time we're here, but I only eat them on Christmas when Susannah gets them.

Call it yet another tradition.

Mid bite on my last cookie, Jeremiah walks in. And Tatiana is right behind him.

My mood is spoiled a bit by the fact that they're together, but I swallow my bitterness not allowing myself to be upset on Christmas.

Why would I be upset anyway?

The two sit across from Con and I and say their greetings. I don't meet Jeremiah's eyes even though I can feel his eyes on me at times.

We were finally all here so it was time for my favorite part of the morning.

"Let's exchange gifts!" Susannah exclaimed. "You have to go first, Ana."

Susannah hands my mother a gift bag and she pulls out a pink faux fur jacket. And wow did it look expensive. Susannah is such a good gift giver.

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