I Promise I Care

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• July 7th •

Over the last 2 days I avoided Jeremiah and Belly relentlessly. To the point where I didn't even come out for breakfast. I either hung out outside of the house or stayed in my room. I never lingered around in places they could pop into.

I woke up this day craving muffins and wanting to get out of the house again so I went to Conrad's door to see if he'd be up for driving with me. I knocked lightly and he opened the door with closed eyes.

"What?" He grumbled.

"Let's go get muffins." I pleaded.

"No," he protested. "I'm tired and I gotta meet with Cleveland later so I need rest."

Just then a door opened behind me and I looked back to see Belly coming out of her room.

"Go with Belly." He said and grabbed his keys from his drawer to shove in my direction.

I literally hate everyone in this house.

I went to walk back to my room but she called my name. My first instinct was to ignore her but then she said, "Wait, wait, don't go in there, just hear me out?"

I rolled my eyes and turned around to the taller girl. She stepped out of her room fully and planted herself in front of me.

"I'll go with you to get muffins." She offered.

"I'm good." I said blankly.

"Please?" She begged. "I just want to explain the other day and properly apologize to you."

I sighed, but eventually I gave in. I figured I'd give her the benefit of the doubt so that maybe I could be cordial with another person in the house.

She'd better have a good explanation.

"You have to pay." I said and walked down the stairs with Conrad's keys in hand.


Belly sat in the passenger seat while I drove. The first few minutes were awkwardly silent as both of us didn't know what to say.

"I guess I should explain then." She broke the silence finally.

"I lashed out at you and I'm sorry," she started. "I didn't mean for that to be directed toward you. In my head I was just looking for someone to blame for me not being happy with my circumstances. I wasn't mad at you, I was mad at Conrad and I took it out on you."

"Why were you mad at Conrad?" I asked.

"I don't know, I think I was just jealous watching you and him walk down the beach that night."

I didn't know she was awake for that.

"Okay, so you have a thing for Conrad?" I clarified.

She sighed. "For like my whole life. He's always been my crush. He used to be so nice to me and sometimes when he looks at me, I feel like he feels it too."

It wasn't much of a secret. Everyone could pretty much tell that Belly was crushing on Conrad. Somehow except for Conrad.

"Do you have a thing for Jere?" She asked.

Ugh. Him.

"Not anymore," I lied. "We've hooked up a couple of times, but it wasn't romantic."

I knew I wasn't over him yet, but I was definitely starting the process of doing so. He'd crossed too many lines and I was done entertaining him.

"Wait, so you two hating each other is just like a joke?"

"Nope. Definitely hate his guts."

I realized how confusing I must sound so I further explained. "I know it sounds confusing and it is, but Jeremiah and I used to be best friends. Like since we were 8 and then all of a sudden when we got a little older he started being a dick to me. He wouldn't and still won't tell me why. And then last Christmas, out of nowhere he kept giving me these looks.."

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