Who Does Belly Like Now?

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• July 12 •

Since Belly had apologized to me, our relationship had become slightly better. She always attempted to converse with me whenever she saw me and it was sweet, but also very awkward.

It wasn't surprising when she invited me to her volleyball tournament. I knew that Dani would be there competing so I decided to go, not having seen her for the past few days and wanting to support her in the game.

I changed into my dancing attire because I was having a quick session with Georgina before the tourney started. I was about to head to the restroom to fix my hair when there was a soft knock on my door.

I opened it and came face to face with Conrad. I sighed in relief that it was him and not Jeremiah or Belly.

"What's up?" I asked him.

"Nothing, we just haven't talked in a while." He stepped past me into my room and sat on my bed.

I came and sat next to him after closing the door.

"Oh, yeah, it's just been a hectic few days for me." I cleared my throat.

His hair sat floppily over his eyes as he glanced at me. "Are you doing okay?"

I decided to be honest with him. "I've been thinking about going home early."

His face dropped. "Why? You're supposed to be here all Summer."

"Con, no offense but you don't talk to me. Belly apologized for lashing out on me but I still feel like she hates me and you know how Jeremiah is with me. The only person in this house that cares that I exist is Steven and his head is pushed so far up Shayla's ass he can't even see ahead of him most of the time."

He chuckled at my Steven comment but his face returned to seriousness soon after.

"Lina, I don't want you to leave."

"Would it make much of a difference?" I asked.

"Yes," he turned to me. "I finally have you here and now you wanna leave? What about the deb ball?"

My heart dropped when I thought about how embarrassing I was going to be at the deb ball without a date. Somehow I fucked that up too.

"I know, I was excited to finally come to Cousins and experience what you experience, but it wasn't at all like I thought it would be. I feel lonely in a packed house."

"I'll do whatever I have to do to make you feel at home here. Even if I have to kick Jeremiah's ass to do so."

I smiled. "I don't think I'd be opposed to that, honestly. Now get up, you're taking me to practice."



"You're sloppy, clear your head!"


"No, do it again!"

I was currently practicing my routine that I'd use during the talent show with Georgina. She was coaching me harshly today and I knew it was my own fault. I kept thinking about later today and having to see Belly and Jeremiah for an extended amount of time and in turn I was focused on dancing.

"In the short time you've been here I haven't had to instruct you so sternly, what's on your mind?" Georgina asked when I'd gotten through my routine, this time with only few mistakes.

"There's just a lot going on at home." I told her breathily.

I reached down for my water bottle, but she snatched it before I could get to it.

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