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• June 9 •

The day before yesterday was Belly's birthday. We'd celebrated with her and the night even ended with a huge party. I can't remember most of it because of how drunk I was. The only things I do remember are Belly leaving her own party early, Steven looking really upset on the ride home, and the delicious cake I ate.

I'd gotten completely wasted at the party. Stupid decision now that I'm sober.. and also now that I have a raging headache and a bad case of nausea.

It was 1pm by the time I finally woke out of my alcohol induced coma. I tried to piece together my memories from last night but everything was hazy.

I remember walking into the party, dancing with Dani and Sadie, somehow ending up in front of a bunch of alcohol, downing shots, and then losing a game of beer pong against Conrad. After that... everything is lost to me.

I went and showered last night off of me and changed back into pajamas, knowing I wasn't leaving this house for shit today. I walked back into my room and soon after I heard the door next to mine open.


Even in my drunken state, I knew that I'd avoided Jeremiah completely at the party. After having that conversation with Conrad telling me about his feelings for Belly, I didn't want to speak to him at all. But now that I'm sober, I feel a conversation needs to be had.

Without even thinking, I opened my door and stepped out. He paused when he saw me and his face made it seem like he didn't want to.

I wanted to talk to him about the nature of our relationship. If Conrad was telling the truth then I no longer wanted to keep up with the flirting. I'd only get hurt in the end. I didn't yet understand what I felt for Jeremiah, but I knew that him possibly liking Belly made me extremely jealous.

"Jere," I started, but he interrupted me.

"What?" He snapped.

I knew this attitude wasn't for no reason. He was mad because I'd ignored him all of yesterday. 

I opened my mouth to speak, but nothing came out. I understood why he'd taken up that tone with me and I had no words. His patience seemed to wear thin when I had nothing to say in response and so he walked away without another word.

I guess it was fun while it lasted.


I spent a few hours in my room with my airpods blasting music until finally they died and I could now hear my tummy growling. I made my way downstairs, hoping Jeremiah nor Belly were down there. I had no problem with Belly, it wasn't like it was her fault that Jeremiah wanted her. I just wasn't in the mood to mentally compare.

I was happy when all I saw was Steven on his phone sitting at the breakfast bar.

"Lina," he nodded to me.

"Hey, Stevie," I sat down next to him. "Can you explain to me what the fuck is going on in this house?"

The whole day everyone had been quiet. I hadn't heard the usual sounds and screeches that came from the other 4 teenagers. At first I thought that maybe it was because I'd been listening to music for so long, but even my potty breaks in between were dead silent.

"It's pretty tense, huh?" He asked and I nodded. "It's my fault. Last night at the party I kissed Taylor."

My eyes widened. "Taylor? Belly's best friend Taylor?"

He sighed and facepalmed himself. "Yup. That's the one."

"Holy shit, Steven, why?" I questioned him, dumbfounded.

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