Movie Night

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• June 3rd •

I was finally in Cousins.

Conrad had picked me up from the airport and the first thing on the agenda was to get ice cream. We went to an ice cream shop and sat outside as cars passed us by.

Cousins so far was a gorgeous scenery. The beach looked perfect to swim in and the town's atmosphere was cozy and warm. Conrad had showed me a few of his favorite places on our way here.

As we sat down I noticed a saddened look on Con's face. He'd tried to hide it but I knew him too well. He couldn't hide it from me.

"You good, Con?" I asked as I dipped into my cotton candy ice cream.

"Yeah, I'm happy you're here." He smiled, but his tone said everything.

I let it go not wanting to pry too much.

"Who's all at the house?" I asked.

"The Conklins made it here in the morning. They're excited to see you, especially Steven."

I giggled in response. I was pretty excited to see Steven too. And my excitement was warranted when he was the first to hug me after arriving at the house. Conrad was getting my bags from the car when I opened the door to the infamous beach house.

It was nothing like I imagined it to be. What I thought would be a posh mansion from the way it looked on the outside was more of a.. well summer home. I took notice of the decorations that I know Susannah put up all by herself throughout the years.

Pictures of the Conklins and Fishers were everywhere. I giggled at the picture of Jeremiah and Conrad as infants with spaghetti sauce all over their mouths that was placed in the entrance.

"Angelina!" I heard him before I saw him. Steven Conklin ran up to me and pulled me into his arms.

"Stevie!" I gushed as we separated.

"Now that you're here, it's time for you to get clapped in Brawl." He grabbed my hand and pulled me further into the house.

The first time I'd met Steven, he and Jeremiah were obsessed with a video game called Brawlhalla. We were about 12, I think? It was the year Steven's mom allowed him to vacation with the boys. Conrad called the game stupid at first but eventually got suckered into playing and that's where the addiction started for me.

Con and Steven were asses about winning. Even though neither of them were as good as Jeremiah, they got a kick out of beating me.

Seeing how much I was struggling, the next day Jeremiah taught me how to play. He showed me combos and tactics to help me win and trained me for days. By the time I played with Steven and Conrad later that week, I'd obliterated them.

Ever since Steven's been trying to beat me, but I never give him the satisfaction. At this point I only really play the game to make sure I'm still ahead of him.

Conrad joined us a few minutes into our first match.

"I DODGED THAT!" Steven yelled at the top of his lungs. "Nah, you're fucking hacking. This isn't fair!"

Con and I laughed at Steven's childish raging. I was about to open my mouth to tease him when I heard the distant banter of two people as the front door opened and shut.

I tensed at the prospect of it being Jeremiah.

"Oh, she's here!" A female voice lit up the room. I turned and made eye contact with Belly Conklin, Steven's younger sister by a year.

The boys had grown up in this house with her and I'd heard so many stories from them about her that I felt like I already knew her. She approached me with her hand out and a sweet smile on her face.

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