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My tears mixed with the blood on my hands as I held the bloody kunai.
I looked next to me, at the jar that held one of my clans eyes. They stared back at me, I swear it looked like they were disappointed in what I had done. I was disappointed, I felt sick.....
My hands shook, I felt sticky from the blood stuck to my body. I couldn't help the tears that fell from my eyes. I was going to throw up, my head was spinning...

I shot up from the bed sweat dripping down my forehead. My hair stuck to my face and neck. My body was shaking. I quickly climbed out of bed, running for the bathroom. I threw up anything that was in my stomach.
We were headed back to the village this morning. It had been three years and today we would make it back to Konoha.

I met my brother at the lobby of the inn we stayed at. I wondered many times if he got the same nightmares and feeling I did, if he'd wake in the night throwing up anything in his stomach.
"Alright, this is where we split up." My brother spoke firmly.
"Right, will you be okay?" I softly asked.
He was taking all the eyes we had gathered back to the grave yard of our people. It was miles from the village of Konoha. He wanted to take the long way for some things he needed to get done. Things he wouldn't share with me. My journey was a straight shot home.

"Of course I'll be okay Makota. Be safe okay." He placed a hand on my shoulder, then let it fall.
There seemed to be more he wanted to say. Perhaps he knew of the restless nights and the pit in my stomach.
"I will..." I gave a small smile and adjusted the straps of my bag.
We gave one last hug, one that lingered of perhaps regret...

I walked for half the day waiting to see those gates telling me I was home. The sun was bright behind me. The trees blocking some of the harsh heat it gave off. I came to a stop when I saw those gates, wide open welcoming me home from my journey. I couldn't help but run to them and greet the two guys at the gate letting me enter. How it's been 3 years since I set foot in this village. And how much I wanted to go home and sleep in my own bed, would sadly have to wait. I need to go see the Hokage, I had been sending her letters of my travels and when I would arrive.

The village was much as I remembered it. Nothing seemed to change. I made it to the Hokages building, walking in and up the stairs to her door. I gave about three soft knocks, hearing lady Tsunade though the door telling me to come in. I opened the doors to the room and froze in my steps. Lady Tsunade sat in her chair at her desk, but the ones who stood in front of her desk, was the reason my legs felt heavy.

Sakura stood closest to the desk, she gave a huge grin when she saw me. On the other side, a face I haven't seen in a very long time. Naruto.... His face held surprise and I couldn't help smiling.
"Are you the one we are going up against?" Naruto yelled.
I tilted my head in confusion.
"Lady Tsunade said she wanted to test my strength, see how much I learned and that she had someone she kept off mission for us to go up against..." He explained.
"Yeah but Naruto, I told you on the way here Makota went away for 3 years with her brother... remember." Sakura said in her normal tone.
"Oh right." He laughed while scratching the back of his head.

"Welcome back Makota, now that your here we can begin, Naruto," Lady Tsunade began, "you three will be going up against the opponent together. He's out there." She said pointing to the window.
I was exhausted... I couldn't go against anyone at the moment. We all walked towards the window to look out and see who she was talking about. I leaned over the window ledge and my eyes widened.

"I see you two went and got all grown up, hmm" he hummed.
Sitting on the roof below was that handsome white haired man, of course reading one of those books of his. Kakashi's onyx eyes met mine. I softly smiled, having not seen him in a long time and seeing him here brought feelings, feelings that I thought vanished from every corner of my heart.
"Kakashi sensei!" Naurto called bringing both of us out of our staring.

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