We need to talk

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We were all walking though the village just light conversation, till Naruto's stomach interrupted us.
"Awe man I'm hungry...." He whined.
"Now that you mention it, I'm hungry after last nights training.." Sakura added.
"Well, next stop Ichiruki ramen!" Naruto yelled and took off running. Sakura following.
Which left Kakashi and I alone.
Except for Jiraiya walking up beside us.
"I leave him in your hands Kakashi... don't forget what I said earlier about the Akatsuki." He looked at me. My eyes widened a bit. "They're coming.." Then he disappeared.

I looked at Kakashi, I knew what this meant. It's been three years... it's time for the Akatsuki to make their move, their after the tailed beast. Their'll be after Naruto soon...
"We should...um talk.." Kakashi said with his nose in that book.
"Talk huh?" I took a deep breath. "With or without that book?" I raised my eyebrow.
He chuckled, then closed the book to look at me.
"Alright." I said nervously.
He grabbed me around the waist pulling me into him. My hands found his chest, grabbing onto his vest.
"Hold on." He smirked.
And we poofed into smoke leaving the surroundings of the village, ending up in his room.

"Why couldn't we talk at a restaurant?" I asked. Stepping away from him as I rubbed my stomach.
I only ate half of my ramen from earlier... and after all that running around I was starving.
He chuckled, but then his face turned serious.
"Because I want to talk about what happened to you.." He said.
"What do you mean?" My heart pounded.
"I sense you've grown in strength yet... you hesitated on attacking multiple times. You only used your basic ground techniques. Not even your fire, I want to know why." He answered.
"I've always hesitated..." I breathed.
"That's not true ..... you've gotten stronger.... What happened in these last three years Makota?" He sat down on his bed and stared at me.

I couldn't move, I didn't know what to say.. I had to tell him something but I knew I couldn't tell him everything.
"It's true... I have gotten stronger... I've worked on my Kekkei genkai. My swordsman skills. My jutsu...." I kinda trailed off.
"Why did you hesitate in the forest." He asked plainly.
"I don't know." I lied. Shaking my head lightly.
"Why are you hiding from me? Has something changed.....changed with us?" A hint of pain coating his words.
"No!" I blurted, biting my bottom lip. "I mean...." I let out a breath and found my feet. I walked over to the bed, standing in front of him.

I didn't want him to think my feelings had changed, because they haven't but I was torn....
"We... we can be together now Makota.... I'm no longer your sensei... but I need to know that you want this...still..." He looked up at me.
Again peering into my eyes.
"I do.... but.... you're right... something's happened in these three years that... I need to figure out... it's... it torn me apart Kakashi..." My voice choked, tears threatened my eyes.
He face softened. He placed both his hands on the side of my thighs, sending chills throughout my body. I missed his touch. I slowly brought my hand to his cheek. My chest ached, my throat burned with emotions trying to escape.

"Don't..." He said softly. "Don't hide with me... trust me again..."
The sadness and darkness took over my heart, cracking it.
"I do trust you Kakashi...I'm just afraid you won't think of me the same as before..."
His hands slid to the back of my thighs now, my breath caught, I felt my cheeks burn.
His eyes were dark but I wasn't certain if it was lust or sadness.
"Makota." He breathed my name. His eyebrows furrowed.
"I need to know what happened.... I need to know how to help you....let me help you." His voice low.

"I can't." I breathed. "Not right now..."
We stared at each other I was unable to speak.
He closed his eyes, pulling me closer to him. My legs pressing against his bed. He pressed his face to my lower stomach, I brought my hand into his grey hair. We stayed that way for a moment. He lifted his face to look at me.

He grabbed my waist with his rough hands.
"Let go..." I breathed, but I didn't make any movement. I looked down angrily into his soft eyes.
"You did an excellent job convincing people you were in love with me.... I almost fell for it." He spoke softly.
"You are my enemy... not my lover.." I grabbed his hands trying to pry them off my hips.
"You are my love...do you not see the way I kneel before you." He licked his lips.
(End of flashback)

I pulled my hand away... eyes wide staring into his.
"Did I hurt you?" He asked concerned.
"No, no it's not that." I whispered. "You're right... I need to talk to you about what happened, but I-" I closed my eyes unable to face him.
It was quite for a moment, when I brought my eyes back to his he looked almost hurt. I wasn't good enough for him. Not anymore, not after what I had done. How do I tell him....

"Stay with me tonight?" His hands gripped my legs tighter like he was afraid I'd run away.
He smiled.. that beautiful masked smile. "Sleep here... with me... I missed you.... I still lo-"
"No!" I interrupted, my eyes widened.
"No?" His voice quiet.
Here, he let his hands drop. I could see a deep sadness covering his eyes.
"Don't say that... not till I tell you everything... than you won't be held to anything....I'll stay if you still want me to... I miss you too."

He starred at me, like he wanted to say more but just nodded. "Then let get some sleep..."
He stood, he eyes never leaving mine till he walked past me to his drawers. After digging around for a bit he came back to me with a midnight blue shirt in hand.
"Here's another to add to your collection." He smirked, then it disappeared as he added, "that is if you still have it."
I took the shirt from him slowly, "I do.."
I went to change into the bathroom. Upon coming out I said to him, "no pants this time?"
He was just changing into another shirt, I caught a glimpse of his muscular back. He looked over his shoulder with a smirk. I crossed my arms and chewed on my bottom lip.

"We're just sleeping, it'll be fine.. unless you are uncomfortable?" He raised an eyebrow.
"No, I'm fine." I breathed.
We laid down. His arms carefully wrapped around me, like he was now afraid to touch me.
I leaned into his touch though, feeling the warmth from him. Even though thoughts tried to overwhelm my mind, his arms and the safety I felt with him called to me. I tried matching his breathing to settle my own, until darkness incased me and I drifted into sleep...

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