A promise yet fulfilled

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9 months ago.

"What are you doing here!" I whisper scream.
"I wanted to check up on you." He says calmly.
"I got rid you!" My voice rising.
"Yes, well you failed. I've been watching you." He walks to me.
"You've been stalking me?" I furrowed my brows.
"Yes. And it seems you are not doing well. I can't just sit by and watch you kill yourself." His face was stone.

"I never asked you to sit by.."
"And that's why I'm here. To help."
"I don't need your help! I'm fine!" I yell.
He cocks his head to the side with a 'I don't believe you look.'
"Okay, okay, I've been.... Depressed." I say.
"I think it's worst then depression... you look like sh-"
"Shouldn't you be trying to be nice to me? I'm on the edge you know." I place my hands on my hips. "Look I'm getting ready for a mission right now. If my brother found out your in my room... we are both dead. Stay here if you want, I'll be back by tomorrow afternoon okay."

He flicked his eyes to mine then across the room, back to mine, "I'll stay."
"Good boy." I half smiled.
He smirked as his eyes darkened.
I ignored that and left to find my brother.
We were searching an abandoned building that a spider was staying in. We were close and it was thrilling...

"No one here." I turned to see a man standing in front of the door I just came from.
"Who-" he wore an orange mask with a black cloak that had white clouds on it.
"The Akutsuki...."
He took ahold of me bringing me into his chest, before I could react, we moved. To an entirely new place.

"Where am I?" I screamed pushing away from him.
"Whoa whoa, calm down. You're in my room. You're safe." His strange voice sent chills down my spin.
"Safe?" I scoffed. "You take a liking to kidnapping girls and bringing them back to your room?"
"No, no. Just you."
He pushed me down on to a chair.

"If you promise not to move, I won't tie you up." I swear I could hear him smile.
"Kinky." I say. Joking is the only thing keeping from losing my wits. Unless they're gone and I'm already losing it.
"I just have some questions." He yaps. "I worked with Chrollo once. Just once. For entail."
"And how does that involve me?" I ask.
"Well you and him are together yeah? I need something from him, and I'm using you as a bargain."
I throw my head back and laugh.

"I'm not with him! If I was with anyone it would be Kakashi!" I immediately regretted saying his name. My breath quickened.
"Kakashi?" His voice changed... calm... deadly.
I made a noise, not sure what kind.
"You know Kakashi... yes wait... I remember you... No! No!" He laughs. His voice going back to a giddy one.
"You spying on me to?" I ask in disgust.
"No, no, not you. But perhaps I should have. You're Kakashi's girl huh?"

"I wouldn't say that." I say solemnly.
"No? Hmm, did he tell you about his past?" He asked.
"You're friends with him?" I ask crossing my legs.
"Did he?" He pressed, ignoring my question.
"He tell you about Obito?"
"Yes." I gritted.
"And Rin?" He draws her name out.
I hesitate to answer.

"I'll take that as a no. Why wouldn't he tell you about the girl he killed. Why not tell you he drove his hand straight though her heart." His voice dropped. A darkness filled this room. A darkness I'm well familiar with.
But my heart still pounded, and I seemed to forget how to breathe properly.
Why is he telling me this. And why do I feel like I betrayed Kakashi by finding out from this man. I keep betraying him.
The mask the guy wore only had one hole for one eye. And it was like looking into a pit of nothing.

"I guess not. Well... maybe my plans will change, when I take away the girl he loves." He threatens.
My eyes widen. My heart beats in my throat, like it wants me to throw it up and let it beat on the floor until it stops. Permanently.
"You're, you're going to kill me?" I ask when I find my voice.
"No, not now. But maybe soon... you see, I still need something from that spider. And when he finds I have you, he'll come to save you."

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