The war

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The masked man has a renengan and sharingan, he placed rods into the beast, the same rods as pain had.
The tailed beast were in their beast form. It looked like the masked man, Madara, had a chakra chain on each of the beasts. Controlling each one.

It was a battle between the four of us and the seven tailed beast. Madara controlling them with his vision prowess.
With Naruto's nine tails, the tailed beast being able to speak mind to mind, and his sage jutsu he was able to speak with them.

The battle with the tailed beast wasn't easy. But Naruto found out how the masked man was keeping control on the beast. A rod, like pains, was in their necks. We just had to remove them, but it wasn't as easy as that. They were still being controlled with his visual prowess.

Naruto was able to form a nine tails transformation, Naruto and the nine tails worked together to pull the other rods out of the beasts.

Though we completed getting the rods out of the beast. We still had the ten tails that Madara was on top of.  To make matters worse though...rain had began falling. And as much as I loved rain... this wasn't the time for it.

The reanimation jutsu had been released. Not sure what happened but I wasn't about to ask. It seemed whatever had happened seemed to be a blessing.

Guy using his inner gates to attack the ten tails, Naruto in his nine tails cloak attacked when he is distracted by guy.
"What's wrong you don't look to happy." Naruto yells at the masked man after the ten tails had fallen over.
"What do you mean?" His deep voice says back.
"Well you're hiding your face, so all I can really do is take a guess at it. If you're really calm under there then how about you take it off and prove it!"

"Nice going Naruto!" Guy yells from beside Kakashi and I.
Kakashi lets out a sigh and says to me, "I told him not to aggravate the man."
I give a smug smile. "That's Naruto for you."
We stare at the masked man, Madara, waiting for his next move.

Madara summons a gourd. "I didn't want to do this, but this is taking too long."
"What is it?" I ask to Kakashi.
He barely shakes his head not daring to take his eyes off the man.
"It's only a fragment of the eight tails, and nine but it's enough for the tailed beast to take its power!" He throws the gourd into the mouth of the ten tails.
It comes back with a roar...

It gives off another loud roar. I slap my hands over my ears. After the ground stopped shaking from the sound I let my arms down. My katana in my hand.
"Watch closely and surrender yourself completely. The return of ten tails and the beginning of the end of the world!" Madara exclaimed.

The geto statue roared as if it was in pain.
"Yup..." Naruto said to himself.
"Naruto? What is it?" I asked but he didn't seem to hear me, then-
"Listen up all of you." A deeper voice sounded from Naruto. His eyes changed to more animalistic.
"That voice..." Kakashi said.
"If that statue only needs a portion of the tailed beast chakra then it now already has a portion of eight tails and my chakra." The deep voice from Naruto said.
"Is that... the nail tails?" I asked.
It seemed that Naruto and the nine tails switched places so he could explain that the ten tails was indeed able to be completed.

"We must act before ten tails fully comes back to life." Kakashi grunts.
"Kakashi," Madara calls out. "You speak your mind far too easily. You were a man for whom a life of regret is fitting."
That made my blood boil. "How dare you-"
"Makota, don't." Kakashi says.
His hand squeezing mine.

"We need to act now before ten tails take full form."
"Will ten tails really cause the end of the world?" I ask.
"That's what he said.... But we don't want to sit around and find out."
"Right, what's the plan?"
"He only has a piece of eight tails and myself. So we should be able to have a chance." Nine tails says.

"You're mistaken. I don't need ten tails to be at full form to compete my mission. My end game is to put the entire world under a genjutsu. A dream sleep. No war. The infinite tsukuyomi." Madara says.
"All dreams end." I say.
Kakashi looks at me and says, "not end, but they must be fulfilled."

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