A life worth waiting for

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It has been a year since the war. A couple months since Naruto and Hinata's wedding. Hinata announced that she is with child now. We all celebrated at ichiraku ramen. I noticed Sasuke and Sakura had been together more lately. Though if you ask him he'll deny it.

I haven't talk much to Sasuke. Years ago I had wanted to be his friend so bad. Us having things in common. It's strange to think that I could have taken the road he took. The one where revenge was all you could see. But I'm glad I stayed with my friends.

And I can see now, revenge isn't everything. Even after it's done I still feel this emptiness inside me. I feel like I've lost more than before... I have lost more than before.

I stared at the crystal on my finger while I laid in the bed Kakashi and I shared. He was in the bathroom washing up before bed. I hear the door open,
"You know I have a band that goes with the ring, right?"
I look up at him with raised brows.
"You just say the word and it's yours." He walked around the bed before getting under the covers.
I stare at his face, but my traitorous eyes take in he bare muscled chest. The scars that kiss all over his skin. And the newest scar that create an X shape on his torso that Obito had given him.

My fingers trace the lines of the now healed tissue.
"Does it hurt?" I ask softly.
"No, it's all healed now."
"That's not what I'm asking.." I look up at him.
There's an emptiness in his eyes, yet warm as they look at me.
"Sometimes. But it's healed. But, I guess. Just because you're healed it doesn't mean that it still can't hurt. But you can't live in the past. You'll miss the present if you do that. And I've missed so much already, I don't want to miss anymore."

I smile gently at him.
His brows bunch together.
"I want a small wedding, mister Hokage." My smile widens.
He gives off a deep chuckle. "Anything you want."

And so it was. A small wedding with only our friends. We had it at the same place where Kakashi officially asked me to be his. The flowing creek, the flowers, him. All of it was enough to send my heart pounding and yet, a calming feeling set over me. This is what I wanted... to have someone and them have me.

When we all first met, the beginning of team 7. He asked us what our dream for the future was. At the time it was revenge. But if you were to ask me now... it would be him. My future is with him.

When we were planning the wedding, Kakashi was building us a house. Before we married, I had no idea. And when he showed me after it was built, after our wedding. Just us. He said it was a wedding gift.
It's a beautiful one story house with two bathrooms and three bedrooms. When I asked why so many bedrooms he only said an office and a guest room. But there was something mischievous in his eyes.

4 years later

We all stood cheering and clapping as Kakashi passed the Hokage cap to Naruto. At the age of 31 Kakashi told me he was too old to keep up with all these young ninja and would rather settle down. When really I knew the real reason. All the paper work. Kakashi was never an office guy, he liked the thrills of the mission.

But now Naruto had those responsibilities. And he finally became what he had chased after his whole life. Hinata and her two kids, a boy and girl stood up on the Hokage building. Filled with joy for her husband and their father.

We all celebrated Naruto. Ate at ichiraku ramen, then we even got some drinks after. Just us team 7, and Hinata. All together again. Kakashi and I sitting close together watching, having drinks. Well all but Sakura who was 6 months pregnant with Sasuke's child.

Kakashi and I talked about it before. Kids. He did finally came clean and told me that's actually why he built another room. But we wanted to wait until he wasn't Hokage anymore. And we had more time for ourselves. And now.... I looked at him, the smile wrinkles in his eyes as he watched his former students, teammates. How even after everything we had been through, we all made it out okay, we all made it together. Our friends, our chosen family. It was hard, painful, but it was all worth it. To be here with them. With Kakashi. Then he looked at me with such love and softness... I smiled back.

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