Sasuke's retrieval

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I felt us moving, I was being carried on someone's back as we ran towards somewhere. I lifted my head a bit to see orange and yellow. I blinked my eyes a couple times till I made out Naruto.
"You're finally awake! That's great!" Naruto exclaimed.
"Yeah, what's going on?" I asked.
"We're on our way to find and bring back Sasuke."
I chill went thoughout my body, "Sasuke." I mumbled.
"Orochimaru took Sai and we are following them back to his hideout." Naruto explained.
"How did he take Sai?"

"Sai had his own mission, it seemed to find Orochimaru, track down where Sasuke is."
Yamato jumped in.
"His own mission?" I asked.
"He's in the Anbu black ops. Probably got orders from lord Danzo, the leader of the organization." He answered.
I've heard of the Anbu before. They are a special assassination team. Not much is know about what goes on inside or who is on the Anbu team. They are very secretive, they wear masks to hide there identity. To be on the team you have to have a darkness inside yourself, much like the one I have now...

"I see. So what happened?" I asked.
Sakura come closer to us to answer, "well, Yamato used a sealing jutsu on Naruto to seal the nine tails back inside. While you were passed out I healed Naruto's burns from the nine tails cloak or whatever that was. After I healed your ribs and arm." She smiled.
"Thank you..." I returned one.
"They told me I'm the one who hurt you," Naruto spoke quietly. "I'm sorry, I don't remember anything that happened."
I hugged my arms a bit tighter around him. "I forgive you Naruto, you scared me tho. Not for my life but yours."

We slowed down, until we stopped.
"This is the place." Yamato stated. Three giant boulders stuck together, stood ahead of us.
"Could it be, after all this time." Naruto said.
"We could find Sasuke...." I added, climbing off him.
I heard Sakura make a noise from the sound of his name. This is going to be hard.... For everyone.
"Let's go." Naruto growled.

We made our way towards the rocks.
"I'll lead the way, then Sakura and Makota, followed by Naruto." Yamato ordered. "We'll use my ground technique, we'll tunnel towards the entrance of the rocks one by one just how I ordered."
"Right." We said in unison.
He made his hand signs, placing his hand on to the ground. A huge hole opened up big enough for a grown man to pass though. Yamato jumped down then Sakura.

I looked over at Naruto who had a very stern look on his face. I placed my hand on his shoulder.
"We'll find him Naruto." I softly smiled.
He nodded. I jumped down, hearing Naruto landing close by. It was dark, I couldn't see my hand in front of my face. The feelings about seeing Sasuke was enough for my eyes to turn scarlet. I pulled my Katana out.
"Flame Jutsu: flame blade."
Red hot flames encased my sword. It took a moment for us to adjust to the light.

We looked ahead to see rocks blocking our path to the main entrance. "I was afraid of this." Yamato said.
"I'll use my rasengan." Naruto growled.
His ball of chakra he gathers in his hand to make a big explosion... the first time I saw it was the time he and Sasuke fought on the top of the hospital roof. His main defense and weapon that Jiraiya taught him.
"You can't use that here! The explosion will let them know we are here!" Sakura said.

Yamato turned to the wall of rocks, placing his hand to it. A small branch came from his hand impelling a crack within the rock wall, the branch grew wider, causing a hole big enough for us to fit through.
"We'll need to make sure we don't use our chakra to much, so Orochimaru doesn't suspect us." Yamato said.

I waved my sword in a quick circular motion, the flames died as my eyes changed back. I put my Katana away, lessening my chakra flow.
One by one we crawled though the hole Yamato made.
"First we have to find Sai." Yamato ordered.
We were running though these dark halls, only a couple of candles on the wall lighting the path. This place was like a maze.

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