The tale of Jiraiya the Gallant

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I tried to get out but he set a trap that was set off when I tried the door. Now my arms are tied up and I've given up. would be good.
I awoke with a faint candle light in the distance. At first I didn't think anything of it until I remembered I was alone, in some stone room.
I sat up as fast as I could with my restraints on.

"Ah, good you're awake," his deep voice rang though the room. "Looks like you were naughty." He chuckled
"Well, can't blame me for trying." I say between my teeth.
"Now that you're up, I have somewhere we need to be."
"You're not going to like sacrifice me to some weird god to keep yourself young are you?" I question.
"Perhaps I kept you down here in the dark for too long.." he muttered.

"How long have I been here?" I'm scared to know the answer.
Has Kakashi been looking for me? Did he give up?
"Three days." He walked up to me.
I stood almost losing my balance but he grabbed my shoulder so I wouldn't fall. Something about him was almost like he didn't want to hurt me but he did say he had bigger plans.

"I've decided to let you go."
My eyes widened my mouth opened a small bit before I clicked my teeth shut.
"Because I'd rather use you. Sasuke has joined the Akutsuki. He is currently on his way to take down the eighth tailed beast. Next we will get the ninth tailed beast and I want your help."
I would have laughed but I know he's serious and honestly every word or feeling has gone to fast through my head for me to form a proper response.

"I'll set you free, you'll go find Kakashi. Then Naruto. You'll lead us right to him. That's why I'll let you go."
"Why would tell me all that? Obviously now I won't..."
"You will." He threatened. "Because as much as I would want to make Kakashi suffer by taking his love. I'll take yours instead." His fingers clinched tightly around my arm, I know I'll have a bruise later.
My heart continued to pound. I needed a plan. I needed a way out.
"I won't let you touch any of them." My empty threat didn't fool even I.

I could leave. Find Kakashi and tell him what Madara plans. Get Naruto to safety. I could try. I have to try.
"So set me free..." I say quickly.
"Whatever you're planning, it won't work. We will get the nine tails."


He had teleported me somewhere in the woods pushing me away from him then disappearing again after he said,
"Remember, I will take away everything you love. This is all for peace. You'll do well to remember that." 
I need to get to lady Tsunade.

I ran though the woods until I saw the gate of Konoha. I pushed myself farther until I was right infront of her door.
I swung the door opened a little to hard, it rattled the pictures on the wall when it slammed against them.
I flinched from the impact. "Sorry." I mumbled.
I looked to her to see her wide eyed.
Then I saw Naruto, Sakura, Kakashi and sai.
And a family of frogs, from giant to small. The small one sat in what seemed to be a small carriage. He looked old...

Before I could say a word I was in Kakashi's arms, he scooped me up with his arm around my waist and the other fisting my hair. He held me so tightly I almost couldn't breathe. I wrapped my arms around him nuzzling my face into his neck.
"I'm sorry, I'm sorry I didn't get to save you." His voice cracked.
I wrapped my legs around his waist holding our bodies closer.
"I tried..." he trailed off when a clearing of a throat cut in.
"I was about to send out a search team for you." Lady Tsunade said.

Kakashi released me, but not entirely. Once my feet were on the ground he stood behind me with his arms still wrapped around me. Like if he let me go I'd disappear again. And a part of me was scared that would happen too. So I clung to him in return.
"He let me go." I rasped.
The feelings crawling up my throat.
She knitted her eyebrows, "why would the enemy let you go... why did he take you in the first place?"

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