A fox and a snake.

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The sun shined though the white curtain of the room Sakura and I shared. I sat up stretching my muscles, I rubbed my eyes, dragging my hands down my face. I saw Sakura standing by the window staring at something. I stood up and walked up behind her, peering over her shoulder.
"What are you looking at?" I whispered.
She let out a yelp swinging her fist towards my face. I quickly dodged the attack, and glad of it. If she would have hit me I would have gotten knocked out!

"Oh! I'm so sorry!" She covered her mouth with her deadly hands.
"It's... all good." I said wearily, scratching the back of my head.
"Look." She pointed out the window.
I saw Sai sitting on the dock by the river with some books and sketch pads beside him.
"What's he doing?" I asked.
"Come on." Was all she said.

We quickly got dressed and went out together towards the dock where he sat.
As we got closer Sakura said, "so your an artist."
"I thought you were drawing the scenery, but it's abstract. Do you have a name for it?" I asked.
"I don't." He replied.
"Why not? Are you not done?" Sakura asked.
"I've done thousands of drawings, none of them have names. Why should this one be any different." He said.

"Drawings of people or things are named after them, or the feeling that you feel during the process." I said softly.
"Then I wouldn't be able to name any of my pictures, I've never felt anything, anything at all." He said.
My eyes widened as I looked at Sakura. Her face matching mine.
"Well that makes since." Naruto said from behind us. I jumped a bit from his sudden presence.
"I wouldn't expect a heartless person like you to feel anyways." He continued walking up to us.
"Captain Yamato sent me to round you guys up, we're moving out."

"Okay." Sakura softly said.
He peered over sai's shoulder at his art.
"It's kinda cool, isn't it?" I asked him.
"Hm, whatever that drawing isn't anything special." He grunted.
"Yes your right, just like what's between your legs right?" Sai said calmly.
Shock laced my face. Sakura blushed. Naruto turned red from anger and embarrassment.
"Oh Naruto," I tried laughing it off. "Come on, don't want to keep captain Yamato waiting."
I grabbed his arm and dragged him away as he yelled at sai.

We began our walk to the bridge, we started when the sun was high in the sky. But hours and hours have pasted and now the moon replaced the sun. We came across a clearing in the forest when Yamato said, "let's camp here tonight."
"Right in the open?" I asked.
"Why not that cave we saw back there?" Naruto added.
He began making hand signs instead of answering us, saying, "Wood style: four wall pillar."
Wood came up from the ground creating a giant house in the clearing.
"Wow." I breathed.

The only person to ever do wood style was the first hokage. No one else has ever had that technique before. So how does he have it....
We walked into the house, it was very open, spacious. There were two sets of stairs on each side of the room leading up to the bedrooms.
We headed up the stairs, the railing had a beautiful design engraved into it.

Once in the bedroom, Captain Yamato went over the plan for tomorrow. He would go undercover as Sasori while we would wait as backup. Hiding, waiting for his signal. He would get all the information he could about Orochmuri's hideout so we could get closer to finding Sasuke.


We hid behind a couple giant rocks waiting, Yamato disguised himself as Sasori. Waiting in the middle of the bridge was a person in a black cloak. Both of them face to face but I couldn't make out who the person was due to his cloak.
We waited for the signal, Naruto impatient as ever.

He pulled his hood back revealing who he was.
"Kabuto!" I whispered a bit to loudly.
"I can't believe it's him!" Sakura added.
Even tho we were in shock we stood by waiting for the signal. The wind loud enough for them not to hear us, but the same went for us. I couldn't make out a thing they said. But I had a terrible feeling come over me. A sudden feeling of bloodlust, not of my own.

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