A surprise

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I waited at the edge of the forest for Kakashi and Naruto to return. A group was already forming with all the villagers.
Kakashi and Naruto emerged from the forest. The group yelled and cheered for Naruto. He finally got want he wanted. To be loved and excepted by the village. A bunch of kids surrounded him, cheering and pulling on him.

I walked up to him, slowly. Tears building in my eyes. My body felt heavy.
"Naruto..." I say.
The kids step back as Naruto stood before me.
"Thank you, for bringing my heart back to me." I hug him. Hard but not enough to hurt. Just wanting him to know how much he had done. How he had saved everyone.
"You did it Naruto, I'm so proud of you. You have avenged him, you have done good." I whispered. For if I tried anything else my voice would give out.
He hugged me back.
"Believe it..." he spoke softly.


The village was completely destroyed as I walked down a semi cleared path. Debris of wood and stone lay about everywhere. Buildings lay tumbled over, I picked up a lighter piece of stone tossing it in my hand. I wonder if anything is salvageable. We could probably use some of this to rebuild new houses and buildings.

Yamato used his wood style jutsu to build some temporary houses for the ones working to rebuild the village. In the middle of the village was completely empty. A giant circular canyon. On the outer circle was all the destruction of the buildings. It's going to take a long time to rebuild and clean up.

"You going to have to walk faster so we don't keep the others waiting." Kakashi said as he grabbed my hand.
Our fingers intertwined as we continued walking to the healers tent. Naruto and Sakura had already taken off together. Lady Tsunade used a lot of her healing chakra to help protect the people in the village. She isn't doing well and so we are heading there to discuss what to do.

"Right, sorry. I just- during everything I didn't really take in what the village looked like. And well... I didn't really care after I found...." Even though he now walked hand and hand with me the fear and grief still remained in my heart. I never wanted to feel that again...
He squeezed my hand a little tighter.
"I'm sorry." He said softly.
"Yeah, we'll just don't do it again....okay?" I look at him.

His eyes are soft, "next time I'll ask for permission." He smirked under his mask.
My hand swung up gently smacking his shoulder.
"Sarcastic butt" I chuckled.
We made it to the tent, entering quietly.
Sakura barely glanced our way when she spoke,
"She used ladies Kutsui to help protect the people. She's been unconscious ever since."

She kept her gaze on the sheet covering Lady Tsunade's body, "we don't know when she'll regain consciousness, if at all."
Naruto stared down with a solemn expression.
Sakura stood grabbing two cases, "excuse me."
She began walking out of the tent, Naruto stumbled out after her.
"Sakura! Wait, let me help fill these with water for you." I heard him say as he ran out.

I looked at Kakashi giving a small smile. He pulled me to the exit, pulling back the tent flaps.
"Why don't we go together?" Sakura said putting both hands behind her, one case still in her hands.
"Sakura.." Naruto said all giddy with a case now in his hand.
"Don't get the wrong idea, if I left it up to you who knows where you would get the water from."
"You can trust me a little more you know.." they bickered back and fourth as they continued walking.

"Naruto. Who would have imagined." Kakashi mumbled to himself.
"Well I mean, you see how hard he trained for this... he's come a very long way. I'm proud of him." I say back.
He lets go of my hand, before I can protects he wraps his arm around me.
"Come on... I wanna show you something." He says as he leads me away.

We were walking for about ten minutes heading towards the outer circle of the village.
"Shouldn't we be helping the others build the village? Help them clean up?" I say.
"Yeah, yeah we will, after.. okay." He sounds nervous.
"Um after what?"
No answer, so I just let him lead the way.

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