Death looms over us all

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His hand stroked the top of my head down into my hair, his breathing was steady. But his heart, I could hear it pounding against his chest. I reached my hand up, going to rest it over his heart but he took his hand from my waist to my wrist. Bringing it up to his mouth placing a kiss to my palm. Then settling our hands on his chest, he cleared his throat.

"It had been just about a year after what happened to...Obito." He paused for a couple seconds, his throat worked before continuing. "Some enemy ninja kidnapped Rin. At the time, we didn't know why but later we found out they wanted to destroy the leaf village by releasing the three tailed beast right into the heart of the village. I went to rescue her from their hide out. She kept saying something was wrong. She felt something wrong inside her."

"The tailed beast?" My words just a little more than a whisper.
"Yes," he answered solemnly. "The enemy had sealed the three tails inside her. Then they were going to release her back into the village. Summon the tailed beast from her." His hand tightened around the locks of my hair.
I couldn't see him, and I was glad because I wasn't sure if my heart could handle his broken look... I knew whatever memories he was replaying, they never became easier.

"Rin and I found ourselves running from the enemies." His voice was lower now, there was an intense sadness in his tone. "They were catching up to us now. To many for her and I to fight alone. But that's exactly what was going to happening." He hesitated, I heard the breath he drew in to speak but nothing came out. I just stayed quiet, the best thing to do is let him take his time. He'll tell me when he's ready.

"She told me....she told me she needed to die." My heart pounded. I knew that she no longer lived. I knew some things that had happened. The story with Yamato, well Tanzo then, he said that Kakashi killed her. Kakashi once said he was known as the friend killer. Then there was that guy, that masked guy... he told me what happened with Rin and Kakashi. I didn't believe him. How could I. But now... hearing Kakashi tell me this story....

"That, that was the only way the enemies would leave. Killing her would transport the beast to somewhere in the world. She asked me to kill her.... I refused. I promised Obito I would protect her. And I would fight until my dying breath if that protected her. But during the fight. My chidori... even with the sharingan, I still didn't have it perfected. I had my sights on my target, I was fast. Too fast for me to change direction or even think to." He voice was getting breathy.

"She knew that..." his breath hitched, "she jumped in front of my attack." Then his voice cracked. "My hand... chidori... it went right though her heart...." His breath stilled for a moment, I knew he was trying to hold back the feelings. And knowing that, hearing that, I couldn't hold back my own.

"She whispered my name just before she died." Tears fell from my eyes onto his shirt. I pulled my bottom lip between my teeth to silence any noise I would make.
"We both collapsed, I felt this surge of power from the sharingan eye and then all my strength ripped away. When I woke.... I woke up in puddles of blood. All the enemies were dead. Some of our village shinobis were the ones to come as back up... but they didn't do it. They said everyone was already dead when they showed."

His voice was more hoarse and airy. His breath hiccuped. And I heard him sniffle. My head shots up on its own. And the sight before me had a knot forming in my throat and tears falling from my own eyes. His eyes were red, watery. Red blotches stained his cheeks. The evidence of tears running down into his hair.
"Kakashi.." I breathed.
A shaky hand placed on his cheek, he shook his head as if any more words would cause him to break. I understood. I too would break.... no wondered he didn't want to speak about it.

I wanted to bring him comfort, tell him that this changed nothing. That it wasn't his fault, he didn't kill her. But that wasn't true and it would just bring him more pain. So instead, I brought my trembling lips to his. Placing a soft kiss to his lips. Pulling away slightly, I whispered,
"I still love you."
He let out a noise that felt like my heart was ripped. He wrapped both arms around me, hugging me close. I managed to wrap my own around his neck and let him cry into my neck.

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