Mind training

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(3 years ago)

He slammed the book closed, making me jump in my seat. I must have dosed off.
"It's simple!" He exclaimed.
"What?" I asked sheepishly.
"I found out how you protect your mind when trying to read others minds!" His eyes wide in excitement.
It's been a couple weeks since the first time we tried the mind reading. I couldn't find a way to block my own mind entirely before trying to read his and it ended up with both of us nearly dead.

"Okay, what did you find out?" I asked pointing at the book he just put down.
"You need to mentally build a wall around your mind. Not your brain but your thoughts." He said.
"It sounds simple, but-"
"You were trying to just put shields up. You need a stronger protection." He said.
"Okay, I'll work on it."

And that's what I did, for the next couple weeks. I worked on building that wall around my mind. Building a room outside of my mind for the information I wanted, like my brother directed. Keeping a tight seal on my mind so non of my information leaked to the enemy.

"Okay, I've done it." I said confidently.
"Good, try it then." He said.
I focused on my breathing, making sure my walls were set and I thought of the information I wanted. I set on dinner, I was starving anyways.
I opened the door from my empty room, crossing that walkway to his door. Before I opened it I made sure I strictly thought of dinner then opened his door. His thoughts were loud demanding, I searched and yet, suddenly my determination on dinner was thrown off when I heard his mind and how set on finding the eyes and destroying the phantom troupe was.

Hateful, harsh, anger, rage. Theses emotions burned into my mind from his, when had my walls fallen? His mind had too much for me to stand. I fell to my knees pushing away, I had to get out. I slammed my door shut, I pushed my walls up forcing him out. I was breathing hard, blood spilled from my nose. I quickly wiped it away.

"What was that?" He panted.
"I...I don't know.." I choked.
"You need stronger walls! You need one thing you're determined to go after." He screamed. "I felt you..." he almost hissed. "You had you mind set on something then you got distracted. If that was an enemy he would have taking you hostage by your mind."
I looked up at him his jaw was tight and his eyes filled with anger.
"I'm sorry...." My voice broke.
Tears fell from my eyes, my throat burned but I tried to keep my emotions from spilling out.


The next time we tried it and I thought I'd finally had it in control. He told me to search for Chrollo.
My eyes widen I didn't understand why he asked such a thing.
"Why.." I breathed.
"Because you need to be able to search for things under any circumstances."
"But shouldn't-"
"Don't you want to take control? Be stronger? This will make you strong. You'll be able to do things that only a rare majority can do." He sternly put.
I nodded and began searching.

Going though that empty room again, to the door, then though his, and into his mind. Again his chaotic thoughts screaming at me. But I stayed on track till I found the room for Chrollo. My heart stopped, my throat dry. I couldn't breath. The hate he felt for him was more then I could take in. I wouldn't say I liked Chrollo, he did kill my clan. But there was something perhaps before I knew who he was that held a piece of my heart. And why my brothers rage for him broke that piece, I may never know.

I was standing before that room of his, it was like black silky smoke pouring from within. All that dark hatred seeping around me. I felt as if it was pulling me in, into darkness, into nothing.
I closed the door to that rage and murderous thoughts and made it back to my mind. I fell back on the floor, out of breath, eyes wide with fear. Yes, fear. What I felt from him made me feel fear for myself.
I clung to myself trying to calm the thoughts that stayed from his mind. I gripped the shirt I was wearing, Kakashi's shirt, it was only thing that grounded me back to myself.
"Keep working... you'll need to be able to go against any pressures that comes at you.." he said disappointedly
Then walked out of the room, door slamming behind him.

A couple months later, I finally had it under control. I had my walls strong and intact. I would go though my brothers mind with something he told me to find. No matter how loud his other thoughts were I stayed on tract. It felt as if the walls I built were caving in on me and I knew that meant I only had so much time to find the information I needed. This technique used up a lot of my chakra.

It had been 6 months of training with him. And not just on his mind but on some of our enemies. He told me it felt like fire when I looked through his mind and that he couldn't keep practicing it with me. So whenever we found someone who knew something about the eyes. He would have me scan their minds. Some of them taking to long and I'd burn their brain. I wasn't sure if I needed more control of the power or if my chakra ran low and it crumbled into a mess.

The first time that happened I hadn't know till their mind was silent. I opened my eyes to see them still, blood coming from their nose and nothing in their eyes. I released them, and they fell over, dead.
"I didn't-" I began frantically.
"It's okay, did you get the information?" He asked.
"No... he buried it deep, it was hard to find."
I stared at the man I just killed.... Without touching.
"It seems the longer you keep them hostage with your mind it doesn't just feel like burning but perhaps actually is. Interesting..." he walked off.
I stood there. My legs felt heavy. Am I doing the right thing?

We went back to a different inn then where we were staying. This inn was our meeting spot with our team. My brother was the leader, it was easy for him to find out information on where to look for the eyes or who may have them or know something about them.
"I have missions for you all." Kurapika began once we were all in the room and settled.
"Makota, I've heard from the village hidden in the sand, I'll need you for this one."

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