The darkness

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2 years & 3 months ago
(After the River Ball)

It wouldn't go away, their screams, the begging, the sound of their bodies slumping to the floor. The smell of iron burned into my nose. I lied there in bed for the whole night, staring at the ceiling. I was exhausted from today's mission but I was to scared to sleep. To dream. My constant headaches were only worsening though the night, but that pain kept me alive... if it wasn't for the pain I'd believe I had already died somehow and this was my nightmare... my punishment. Or maybe I am dead... in a way I am.

Perhaps this is my living nightmare. I couldn't sleep anymore... it's been almost a year of this training, this mind reading but it's taking over everything I thought I had control over. All the killing, all the people who didn't deserve what I had done. I am not peace... I'm not making a better way for the shinobi world. How am I any different then the spiders...

The sun seeped though the hotel curtains, I rolled out of the bed that felt more like a coffin. I went to the bath room to freshen up. When I looked into the mirror, I could hardly recognize myself. I had dark bags under my eyes, my cheeks were sunken in, my lips lost their color. I quickly turned from that girl staring at me with cold dead eyes, and got dressed.

I headed to my brothers room for any update for the next mission.
"Morning Makota." He said as he shuffled though papers.
All I gave was a small smile. I made my way to a chair in the corner sinking myself into it.
He pointed over to the desk as he said, "there's some breakfast, we will need to eat quickly. We need to meet with the other." He held up some of the papers, "I've got another mission."

"Then let's head to them." I pushed myself up from the chair and followed my brother out.
Food didn't satisfy me as it did before. Instead I found myself losing my appetite more and more.


"He doesn't know.." I let his mind go.
The man half stared at me as blood dripped down his face.
Kurapika let out breath, "kill him."
I stared coldly at the man, his eyes changed from pain to fear. I lifted my Katana, and that was the last thing the man ever saw.

We moved on though the abandoned building.
A group here had secretly stayed in this place for their hideout. We discovered that they had bought the scarlet eyes five years ago. I had a feeling they were in one of the lower levels either locked away or guarded. I was hoping for the latter.

"Don't blame him.." Melody, a girl who is short and stocky, she's balding but has some straight hair that falls to her shoulders. Her front teeth are pronounced and protrude much like a rodent's. She was and is a music hunter. She hunted down a music sheet called the Somata of darkness. Having listened to a single movement of the violin solo, she was deformed. Her friend, who had played the piece, had his entire body severely mutated and died as a result. She had shown me a photo of herself before this had happened, she was once beautiful.

"Why would I blame him?" I asked as we walked down the dark hall.
"You know his determination. When he's set on something he'll give anything to obtain it."
"It seems that way... he'll give anything... for revenge.." I mumbled.
"Wouldn't you? I mean, aren't you?" She's asked kindly.
"There was a time that I would have answered yes." My team 7.... They gave me a different hope, a goal, that revenge could be seen in a different light. "My brother is not the same person I knew before. He's darker... and I'm afraid.." I admitted.
"Afraid of what?" She asked.
"Of becoming like him."


I couldn't take the constant eating away at myself. I was only getting weaker....not stronger. Maybe it's my fault, not feeling like eating...the only training I get is out on a mission. He gave me a chance to this new power. But with power like this there comes a great risk. And it was catching me. I only ate a couple bite of my dinner tonight. I tried to sleep, until the screams and nightmares awoken me. I jolted up in a panic, sweat dripping down my face. I couldn't breath. I jumped out of bed running to the window. I fumbled with the latch but it wouldn't budge.

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