A dream?

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The tailed beast was... powerful. After back up showed, things got...out of hand. Shikamaru and ino's fathers they.. died. The beast made a beast bomb sending right for the intelligence station. Then, the ten tails threw something like giant thorns. So many of them rained down from above... I made a rock wall to protect myself and others who were close by. But Neji, he died from the thorns impelling him. I felt my eyes burn, I tried swallowing down this knot in my throat. But it didn't stop the tears rolling down my face. So much blood.... So much death...

I drew in a sharp breath, rubbing my hands over my tired eyes. It's dark in the room, the curtains moving ever so slightly as the wind outside blows in. My chest rises and falls as my heart pounds against my chest. My forehead feels clammy from the cold sweats.

I feel a strong arm lay over me pulling me protectively into his bare chest. For a moment I'm back in the abandoned building with Chrollo.
"It's just a nightmare baby, it's all over now."
His deep tired voice calms my heart. I turn over in his arms. My hands find his muscled chest.
"It still happened." I say quietly.

"And we're still alive." He gives a lazy smile.
Even after the fourth ninja war that happened a couple months ago.. Kakashi became sixth Hokage not long after... and when he asked me to move in with him... waking up every day next to him, to his unmasked face. Well it will always send butterflies to my stomach. And a warm feeling spreading from there.

He keeps one onyx eye on my brown. It shines and sparkles as he stares at me.
"You know... you open the other one now." I reach up to place my hand on his cheek. The small crystal on my finger catches the morning sunlight just coming over the trees.
"Right, I'm just not used to it." He opens the other eye hesitantly. The matching onyx eye stares back at me.

It's hard not to look at his eye without thinking about what happened.... Madara had become the ten tailed jinchuriki and he came for the eye Obito possessed. The black zetsu melted into the ground and headed towards Madara. But Obito didn't let him go. Using whatever life he had left to help us.

Obito, half black zetsu, walked towards Madara as a faithful servant, exactly like Madara wanted. But when Obito got close, he shoved his hand into Madara's heart. And tried to extract the ten tails from him. He was only able to take two tailed beast from him, only weakening him a tiny bit.

Madara only had the rinnegan, the other eye socket was empty. Naruto and Sasuke jumped into battle with Madara. Kakashi and I stood close to each other, both of us low in chakra, after Kakashi sent Obito to the mind room to keep the eye away from Madara. I was checking on him, wrapping Kakashi's wounds. When Madara came down and stole Kakashi's sharingan eye... right out of his socket.

Madara now can go into the room within the mind with Obito and retrieve the rinnegan eye.
Naruto healed Kakashi's eye. With his new sage powers. Giving him a regular eye.

We have been safe now for these last few months. I've been safe in his arms.
But I still have memories, dreams of the war.. and I wonder how long it'll keep haunting me.

After I had been knocked out, Kakashi used his kamui to get out of the room him and Obito shared through the sharingan eye, after his chakra replenished. He helped me regain consciousness, and stitched my wounds.
Oh and Sasuke... yeah Sasuke. He came with... reinforcements. The late Hokage's with the reanimation jutsu.

When he showed with them... well things began looking up, Hashirama, Minato (Naruto's father) ,the second and third Hokage battled the ten tails. And it was really something to see.. the most amazing jutsu users in history.
Then Sasuke showed... it was like the old gang was back.

I remember walking up to him, all the feelings bubbling to the top... then I slapped him. Right in the face.
"You took quite the long way around. Bringing the late Hokage's with you doesn't make everything right Sasuke."

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