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"What?! A war.. the fourth ninja war?" I nearly shout as Kakashi bandages me up. Not that I had many wounds but he wouldn't believe me when I told him I was fine.
"Yes, madara declared war while you were... well-"
"Playing games." I directed my eyes away from him.
He grabbed my chin between his thumb and forefinger, "fighting for your life."
"I don't think you can call it that."
He stared at me for a moment. It was almost like being back in the woods. Just us. When nothing bad had happened yet.

We made it half way home when he decided we should stop for camp. I was slowing us down from my injuries. And I drained myself of chakra. Or physical strength. I'm not sure... I'm just tired.
"So the war?" I barely whispered.
He lets out a breath, "Madara declared war at the kage summit. Lady Tsunade woke up, which was fantastic. Because I was dangerously close to becoming Hokage." He says with a huffed laugh. Wrapping up the tattoo on my thigh. That he hasn't said anything about...yet.
My eyes widen as my mouth falls open.
"You were almost Hokage?" I ask with somewhat disbelief. Not that he couldn't have been Hokage, I think he would be great. Just couldn't believe he would agree to something like that. He not really the sit behind a desk kind of guy.

"Yeah, so I'm was glad she woke up. Though now I'm commander of the third unit."
I drag my hands down my face as I process everything.
"I just want-" I sniffle, "I-" I shake my head.
"I know," he places his forehead against mine, "I promise, we will make a place for him to rest after this war. And I promise I will never leave your side again." He whispers.

I keep my eyes closed for a moment longer, he wraps his arms around me. I let his warmth suck me in, the smell of petrichor fills my nostrils.
"This war?"
"Right," he sighs as he pulls away, but keeps his hands on my waist. "I'll be leading one of the five group of the untied forces." He pulls out a headband from his pouch. "Here, take this."
"This symbol," I brush my hand over the many lines carved in the metal.
"It's the headband all the shinobi will wear. We will no longer be separated by our village. We are protecting all the lands. All the people."

"So five groups?" I place the headband in the bag Kakashi brought.
"Five units will be spilt between specialized warfare. The first group will be midrange battle unit. The ones specializing in weapons. The second group is close range. So hand to hand battles. They will be in the front lines. The third group is intermediate range. They support the mid and close range shinobis. Speed and strength. The fourth group. Long range, helping the ones on the front line to the intel unit. Lastly the fifth group. Special range." Kakashi explains.

"So I'm guessing I'll be in the first group?" I assume.
Kakashi's eyes turned dark, somewhat possessive. "You'll be in my group. The third group, supporting the first unit."
"I see." I couldn't help the smile forming on my face.
His body moves closer. His face near inches from mine. "I told you, I'm not leaving your side."

He places branches together prepping for a fire.
"Are you able to light this?" He asks me.
I nod. Changing my eyes so that I can use my fire jutsu.
He sits next to me once the fire is steady. Then pulls me into his lap as he leans into me.
"Do you want to talk about?"
I hold on to his arms as they wrapped around me.
"I guess I should." I swallow.
"No, only if you want to." 
I did... and so I told him. Everything.

He just listened. I would feel his body tense at points but he just listened. Then when I was done telling him he said,
"I should have dragged out his pain for hurting you... for touching you." His voice was both horse and icy.
"At least he's dead now..." there was an emptiness in my heart... I didn't know why.
"Makota?" Kakashi asked after a moment.
"Will you marry me?"

I froze. My mind couldn't think. Perhaps I was dreaming. Though I don't remember falling asleep
"I-" it came out embarrassingly weak. "Are you sure you want to?"
To my surprise he laughed. "Of course I want to. That's why I asked." He places a kiss to my head, resting his against mine.
"But I just told you everything that happened with Chrollo... why would you want me after that."
He draws in a breath, slowly letting it back out.

"I told you everything I have ever done... and you told me you loved me. There is something that draws us together. And I, I love you Makota. No matter what happens. You did everything you could to survive. I'm proud of you. And I want you to be mine. Forever."
I couldn't help the tears welling in my eyes.
"Kakashi-" my voice betrayed me.
"I'll find a way to take that spider tattoo off. But before that... or after or during or whatever. I'll give you me, I'll give you a ring. I'll give you anything and everything you want. Because I only want you."

I turn around in his arms. His cheeks were lightly red, his eyes glossy. I could feel his heart pounding against my body.
"Kakashi," I tried again. "I only want you. Yes. Yes." I smile.
He pulls his mask down then his lips crash onto mine. Tears rolling down my face. His lips are warm against mine. A smile forming on his lips.
"I wouldn't have taken no for an answer anyways. I'm glad you took the easy way." He mumbled between kisses.

"After the war, I'll give you a ring. A wedding. Whatever you want." He says after we were breathless, lips swollen.
I smile. "Just you is fine."
"Well obviously..."
I lean back against him. That emptiness in my heart not feeling so...empty.
I eventually fall asleep with the steady rhythm of Kakashi's breathing.

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