Misplaced trust

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It's so dark here. Cold. Smells of wet earth but not the kind I liked, it smelt of moldy earth. My ankle has been locked in a chain, it weighs heavily on my bones. Bruises and blisters have already formed. I couldn't tell you how many days I've been down here. I've slept when I was alone, and tortured for information when I was awake.

I laid as still as I could on the icy stone floor, afraid to move. I wasn't sure what was broken or what I could move without pain shooting through my body. I know my wrist has been fractured from when he hung me up by my wrist. My shoulders felt like they were to tear from my body. Thankfully now I'm only tied up like a dog.

I've been brought water, only so I could talk. I haven't seen Chrollo since I was thrown in here. I tried breathing in a huge gulp of air, only for sharp pains to spread through my lungs. I let out a whimper.
"Good you're up." He slowly say each word.
I open my eye, the one that isn't swollen.
"We have gone though the phone." He walks up to me, his boots stopping just inches from me.

"You did good, there's nothing but the unknown number and the txt saying "game on."" He nudges my chin with the tip of the boot. "Well?"
"I've already said everything." I choke out.
Pain erupts through my side as his shoe makes contact with my ribs. I clinch my teeth tightly as hot tears run into my hair.
"Who's phone?"
"My brothers.... I already-" another hot flash of pain spreads across my side.
"Where did you get it?"

"It was the only thing I had.....from him. When the fight with....him and Chrollo happened..." I tasted metal.
"Who's the number?"
"I don't know.... I've told you everything...." I felt blood drip from my mouth. "I wanna see Chrollo..." I whisper.
"You've betrayed him-"
"I haven't." I snap.
My face scrunches from the pain as I try to look at him. All I can see is his almost black eyes stare down at me. His black hair falling into his view.
"He'll come see you when he's ready to." He pushes his boot off me and heads for the door. And once again I'm left alone in a dark room with the moon light as my only seeing source.


I heard foot step heading towards the door. I peeled my eyes open, my head immediately aching. The light from the door opens blinding me for a moment until I could make out a figure. He was taller than Feitan. He crouched down in front of me. His black hair falling into his face.
"Look at you." His deep voice felt louder in my head.
I let out a gruntled moan in response. I didn't have the energy to speak anymore.

"Let's get you to the bath, wash you up. Then we'll talk more."
He grabbed my leg with the chains, I let out a breathy cry from the pain. He let out a tisk.
He unlocked the chain from my ankle, the pain somehow was worse without have metal holding it together.
"Come." He said as he folded my legs over his arm, the other cradled my head.

I let the darkness of unconsciousness slip in and out until I felt a wet warmth incase my body. Chrollo set me in warm water, taking a cup and pouring it over my body. The open wounds burned but it felt good to wash away these past few days.
"Why." I croaked.
"It's seems you have told us everything. I thought you broke my trust. I thought you sided against me. I shouldn't have been so quick to throw you to Feitan. But you must see my side. You were once the one who wanted me dead."

He grabbed the shampoo gently massaging it into my hair.
"Haven't I earned your trust? Don't you see who I've chosen..." if I could reach for him I would, just to prove my point. But I couldn't move. I was entirely in his control.
"Forgive me for not trusting you. There is still much to earn. This coming from both our sides I'm sure." His eyes met mine. "Shalnark is dead. I believe I know by who, and I wanted you to not be behind it."
"I wasn't.." I tried to swallow but my throat was dry.

"You've had your brother's phone this whole time?" He says after a while.
"Yes..." I say softly.
His jaw clenches as his eyes hardened.
"I never found it when I was bandaging you after the fight..." he says through clenched teeth.
My heartbeat quickened, I'm sure he saw my chest change pace. But maybe his button up hides my anxious heart.
"You also didn't change my clothes, or you would have found it between my breast." I say with all the confidence I could muster. Hoping he didn't check me that throughly.

Relief ran though my body when I saw him physically relax.
"Of course. You're a smart girl. I should have know."
He titled my head back then poured water over my hair. Washing the shampoo out.
"And the number? The person who texted you?"
"I don't know, but I have a guess." I looked straight into his eyes, "it has to be Hisoka."
"You think he's the one who killed Shalnark."
He picked me up, setting me on the floor against the tub. Grabbing a towel to wrap around me.

"Who else?" I say letting the towel warm my cold bones.
He picked me back up taking me into the bedroom. Setting me on the edge of the bed. I knew better than to complain about the pain, but all this moving around and sitting up was making me nauseous.
He grabbed a folded shirt from the night stand.
Then proceeded to stare at me.
"What?" I asked, afraid to hear his next words.

"May I?" He motioned towards the towel with the shirt in his hand.
My breath quickened. I didn't want him seeing me... but I could barely move. So I just nodded, even that movement sent sharp pains though my jaw and down my spine.
But he was gentle with removing the towel, then the white button up. Purple, almost black bruising painted my entire left side. Peppering across to my right. I couldn't look into his eyes as he unclasped my bra. Heat stained my cheeks. No one has ever seen me this vulnerable.

Even more so when he pulled my underwear down my legs. I let out a hiss when he ran it over a very tender place on my thigh.
"Apologies, I became distracted." His voice was deeper than earlier and I felt fear run down my body.
He took the folded shirt, wrapping it around me. Helping my arms through the sleeve. Once again it was a white button up. This man must have a whole room of them.

He began buttoning the shirt, his hand brushing over my breast. I sucked in a sharp breath. His eyes crashed to mine as the corner of his mouth turned up. He continued down till the last button was finished. His hands resting dangerously close to my heat.
"It's a shame you're hurt. Or I would show you that 'fun' you so badly wanted a time ago." His husky voice sent chills throughout me.
I stilled, even afraid to breathe as his eyes ate me alive.

He stood slowly in front of me, leaning down until his lips gently brushed my ear.
"Rest up. We'll talk more once you feel better."
He kissed my temple. Then left the room. I crawled over to the top of the bed, wrapping the cover's around my body and let sleep shut out all the pain and fear aching in my body.


The aching in my body was as bad as when I had fallen asleep. What hurt the most was my wrist and ankle. And my ribs. That was the nastiest bruise I've seen. It didn't hurt to breathe as much as before and I was thankful for that. But I still was scared to move, and some part of me was scared to heal. I know Chrollo's words were a threat. At least to me they were. He's already taken more from me than I could have ever thought. This revenge.... I'm not entirely sure if it has been worth it.

But I have to keep going.... I'm already this far... I've already lost so much. He has to be destroyed.
I stared out the window, feels like the first time I arrived here. I heard the door open, I didn't need to look to see who it was. The edge of the bed dipped as he slid in close to me.
"Did I hurt you?" He asked after I made hitched moan.
"I think it's more the anticipation of it happening." I answer.
He hummed as his response, then held me until the sun rose.


I stared at Feitan from Chrollo's lap on the throne. Things seem to have gone back to normal, well as normal as they can. It's only Feitan, Phinks and Kalluto. And I'm pretty sure I at least have her on my side, and Hisoka. Which I'm about to play that card. My wrist and ankle have been tightly wrapped to help the swelling. My bruising still sore as well as my entire body.

"Here." Chrollo said handing me the phone, "he knows your brother is dead."
I flinch at his harsh words, "and?" I try not snap.
"So he must know you have it. Which means he may think you are willing to play his game."
I look at the phone, we may be a couple days behind schedule, if there ever was a schedule. But getting tortured wasn't wasted, he trusts me more now. I hope. And I have him where I want him. I hope. Either way Hisoka's right, game on.

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