Beginning of nightmares

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I burned though their mind, trying to find the place they held the scarlet eyes. Silent tears bled from their eyes.
"It would be easier if you would just tells us." My brother said.
They let out a whimper as I scrapped more into their mind. The walls around my own mind had a crushing pressure that let me know I was almost to my limit. Blood began dripping from their nose. I didn't want to kill them but they hid the information I wanted deep within. Finally I found exactly what my brother wanted.
"I found it..."
I released them and they slumped over...dead... I killed them. I turned there brain to mush, burned it to a crisp, whatever you want to call it, either way I killed them for information...
"Good..." My brother said and walked away.

My eyes shot open.. I didn't know where I was. I couldn't breathe. I tried catching my breath but the walls continued to close in. The bathroom... where was it? A window? Something, I needed something! I was panicking.
"Hey, hey... I'm here.. your okay..." a soft voice spoke.
I turned towards the voice, Kakashi, he was leaning over the bed stroking my hair. His eyes were wide scanning my face, his hair laid messily.
"You had a bad dream..." It was more of a statement than a question.
I nodded, i still needed air.
"Window?" Was all I could get out.
"Come here.." He pulled me up, out of bed and towards the window. He opened it up, lifting me by the waist to sit on the ledge. I took a deep breath in from the early crisp morning air.

The morning light was just coming over the buildings, painting them pink and orange. I looked over at Kakashi who still had that worried look on his unmasked face. His sharp jaw was tight, eyebrows furrowed. I was at his place, I was safe. His hands still rested on my hips, the warmth comforting me.
"I'm sorry I.. just had a nightmare..."
"You don't need to apologize... do you want to talk about it?" He asked so quietly, as if he raised his voice any more he would be afraid it would break me.
I shook my head. "I'll be fine." I slid from the window ledge, his hands catching my hips to help me. I looked into his worried eyes.
"Would you like to read with me? Get your mind off whatever it was..?" His thumb rubbing over my hip.
"Okay.." I breathed.

We sat down on his bed, he closed the space between us wrapping one arm over me.
"Is this okay?" He asked.
I nodded and rested my head against his hard chest. His steady heart beat felt like an anchor holding me here, telling me I was safe with him. He opened his book and we began reading, my eyelids becoming heavy.

I must have fallen asleep in his arms again, because I began waking up to the sound of papers being raffled though. I forced my eyes open to see the back of Kakashi standing over his desk. I propped myself up on my elbow.
"What are you doing?" I said sheepishly.
"I have to gather up some reports and create a team... I accidentally stayed up all night... reading." He rubbed the back of his head.
He turned round to face me, giving me a closed eyed smile. Then his face turn soft.

"Are you okay?" He asked quietly.
"Yeah." I replied trying to sound convincing.
He stared at me, I know he didn't believe me but I was thankful he let it go.
"I've got to get these reports to Lady Tsunade. Stay here as long as you need okay.." He walked over to his dresser grabbing some clothes and went into the bathroom. I sat up on his bed, I saw the book that Naruto had just given him, I walked over to it and began reading a couple of the pages. It was pretty interesting... but also a bit more mature than his last book. I put the book back on his table shaking my head..

"It's a good thing he's cute." I mumbled to myself.
"I'm glad you think so.." A deep voice said from behind me.
His arms wrapped around my waist, he rested his chin on my shoulder. I felt his muscled chest pressing against my back.
"You're sneaky." I giggled.
"And your smiling." I could hear him smiling though his words.
I turned around, placing my hands on his shoulder. He held me close to him, like he was afraid I'd fall away.

"One day, I promise you, I'll tell you everything. But right now, i don't think I can." I barely spoke loud enough for him to hear.
He knitted his brows together, his unmasked jaw clinched. He leaned in and pressed his lips to my forehead.
"What makes you so afraid to tell me?" He mumbled against my skin.
"I just-"
He pulled back enough to look at me, "do you honestly think that whatever happened in these past 3 years is worse than what I have done?" His face was serious.
"From what I know of your past... possibly... but what if you don't look at me the same?" I scanned his face.

He drew a breath in and slowly out. Trickling my face with the smell of peppermint.
"Then, I guess I should tell you more huh?" A smile played on his face. "And hope that... that you'll find a way to love me...still.." His smile fell and all that was left on his face was something of worry.
"We'll both wait... till after we said what we need to say... how about that?"
I nodded, he pulled away from me gathering the papers from earlier.
"Stay here if you'd like... or you can go home. But either way... get some rest... relax. You dealing with to much and I can see it in your face and body...." His eyes glanced over my body. "You've lost weight and your mind isn't present..." his voice was hard, stern.
"Promise me?" He whispered.
"I promise...."
"If you do leave, make sure you put on some pants." He smirked.
Blush spread over my cheeks, he chuckled, then left.

I decided to go home and get some things cleaned up there... but first I'd need my keys from Sakura... so first step... find her.
I set out to find her, after putting on my pants. First place to check was her home... not there. I stopped by a bakery to grab a pastry and a coffee then continued my own mission. I walked though out the village till I ended up close to the gates.
I was walking past the front gates when I saw a group formed by the entrance. As I made my way closer I saw lady tsunade, Jiraiya, and my team 7.

"What's going on?" I called out.
All faces turned toward me. Kakashi's eye narrowed, I could see his jaw clench.
I stopped beside Lady Tsunade.
"We got an emergency dispatch from the sand village, the Kazakage of the sand has been taken prisoner by the Akatsuki." She explained.
"What?" My eyes widen.
"It's all under control Makota, go back home."
I snapped my head towards Kakashi, my brows furrowed.
"What.... How does this make sense?" My voice quieted.

"You hesitate to attack... you'd only keep us held back." He said plainly.
I felt taken back, a quick wash of sadness rushed over me before rage took it's place.
"Me? Naruto has one of the tailed beast inside him! That's exactly what the Akatsuki are after!" I yelled, pointing at Naruto. "That's why they took Gaara! Let me go instead of Naruto, it makes more sense..." I said a bit more calmly.
"No." Kakashi said the same way as before... no emotion.
I looked at lady Tsunade.
"I saw the way you held yourself back at the training session. You can't hesitate with the Akatsuki. I'd say stay here and train." She sighed.

I was so filled with rage I couldn't speak. I didn't dare look at Kakashi, for he would see the red burning in my eyes.
"It's okay Makota! I'll get them and I'll bring Gaara back to the sand village! You can count on me!" Naruto said confidently, "Okay let's get moving!"
"Be back soon my lady, we won't let you down!"Sakura beamed. Then gave me a weary smile.
"Naruto." Jiraiya called, "you be careful with the Akatsuki. You know their after you." He walked up to Naruto placing a hand on his shoulder. "Naruto never use that power, you know what I'm talking about." He said firmly.
Naruto nodded in agreement. I wonder what power he meant.

"Make sure he doesn't do anything stupid," Jiraiya now said to Kakashi, "I can trust you right Kakashi?" Jiraiya asked firmly.
"Right." Kakashi gave a smile. When he looked at me I quickly looked away. I had nothing to say to him. My eyes settled back to their brown color.
"Let's go Kakashi sensei. Sakura what are we waiting for." Naruto called walking away.
"We're off." Kakashi said.
Then they jumped off towards the sand village. A village I had come to know as well as the one I call home. And Gaara... a man who quickly became a good friend of mine...and now I couldn't even help him.
I also realized, I didn't get my key from Sakura..

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