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We walked over to the training grounds after we had our lunch. Sakura and I leaned against the fence while Naruto began pacing. A couple minutes passed, then a couple more. We were still waiting after 30 mins had passed.
"Where is he?" Naruto groaned.
"Well he's always been like this.." Sakura said.
"Always been late..." I quietly added.
I thought of Kakashi showing me the graveyard he visited anytime he had the chance, why he was always late. After that I never cared or minded that he was late, I knew he was doing something that meant the most to him, giving respect to his fallen comrades.

A sudden poof of smoke formed above us and there on top of the fence sat Kakashi sensei.
"Sorry I kept you waiting, I ran into this poor old lady who-"
"Will you give it a rest already!" We yelled cutting him off.
I crossed my arms over my chest, I could take the tardiness but these lame excuses he made up were unnecessary.
He gave off a soft laugh and motioned us to follow him. He took out that book he got earlier today and began reading as we walked though the opening of the gate and headed to a very familiar spot.

Three post stuck out of the ground... a past I remember like it was yesterday. Naruto tied up to the middle one while Sakura, Sasuke and I fed him our lunch. This is where team 7 worked together to past the test. The bell test....

"Wow this brings back memories..." Naruto said.
Sakura gave this soft saddening smile.
"Oh right, this is where team 7 had its very first training lesson, wasn't it?" Kakashi asked.
"Like you don't remember..." I raised my eyebrows at him.
"The five of us.." Naruto mumbled.
"Right, we had Sasuke then didn't we?" Kakashi again asked.

Sasuke.... I wanted so badly to be friends with him, and finally when we formed a friendship he left. There was nothing I could do... and trying to bring him back was nothing more than a suicide mission. But I would be lying if I said I didn't miss him. I let out a deep sigh and looked over at my side, Naruto and Sakura both on the ground and a state of depression mumbling Sasuke's name.... If anything... I didn't miss him that much.

I looked at Kakashi, my lips thinned.
"Look what you did." I directed my hands in their direction.
"I didn't think Sasuke's name would hold such an effect.."
He looked at me... his eyes boring into mine. My body went still, my mouth dry. I felt like if he continued to stare he would see all the horrible things I'd done. I quickly tore my eyes away and focused on the ground. Wrapping my arms around that would protect me.

A sudden sound of bells clinging together brought my sight back to his. In his hand he held three bells. My mouth fell opened then quickly shut it.
"Show me how far you've come, after all you haven't given up on 'your Sasuke' have you?" He asked in a taunting tone.
"No way what do you think all this training was for!" Naruto exclaimed.
"Yeah!" Sakura agreed.
This was Sasuke's choice.... I don't understand..

(Flash back)
"I just don't understand, why chase after him when it was his choice.." I mumbled, stabbing a piece of meat.
"Well at first, it was because he was and I guess, still is a part of the leaf village..." Shika answered.
"Okay but... once Naruto comes back from his three year training Sasuke will be considers a rouge ninja..." I stared at Shika while I chewed on my bottom lip.
He took a deep breath, "Yes but.... We are doing this for our friend now..."
"For Naruto....." I gave a small smile.
"For Naruto... and stop chewing on your lip you'll make it bleed.... What a drag." He said leaning back in his chair.
I laughed, a smile lingering on my face..'for Naruto'
(End of flashback)

"Right." I said with a nod.
"The rules are the same as they were that day. I don't care how you do it, just get these bells away from me."
"If we're not prepared to kill ya-" Naruto began.
"We won't get the bells." I finished.
"We know.." Sakura added.
"Exactly, you have till sunrise tomorrow."

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