We Found Love

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You need to tell the people you love how you feel before it's too late

His bestfriends wise words rang in his ear as he sped through the city streets making his way to the airport. As he turned an corner, memories of the day played in his mind like an loop. Things that were said, and things that were left unsaid. His thoughts were in an battle of its own going through the day, trying to decipher whether or not he should tell the woman he loves how he feels. In hindsight it makes sense to express your true desires to the one person that's desperate to finally hear them. Timing just wasn't on the young man's side, but after talking to her brother about how short life truly is and enduring such an great loss in Billy Baker, it was now or never. He lost one Baker, and he wasn't about to lose another, not when he didn't have to. Arriving at the departures entrance of LAX, he put the car in park, hopping out of his seat, running past everyone in his sight. After buying the cheapest ticket leaving that same night, and getting past security, Spencer's feet paced the floor continuing his mission. He felt his heart beat against his chest, going up the escalator, pulling out his phone, deciding to dial her. The deafening sound of the phone ringing traveled through the receiver, until her sweet, soft voice replaced it.

"Miss me already I see" His laughter as an response.

"You like to think so, but that's not why I'm calling."

"Okay?? Care to enlighten me an little bit?"

"10 things" Olivia pushed her phone further up to her ear, eyes narrowing in confusion.

"10 things? I don't think I-" He took the time to interrupt her.

"I just realized as I was driving home that I never got the chance to tell you all the many things I love about you and I thought I'd have time to do that over the summer, but now that you're gonna be gone this time around, I figured what better time than now?" She smiled to herself, shaking her head, wondering what brought this on.

"Spencer you don't have to-"

"10, your smile that's reserved for me. It comes out most when your tryna hide from me and I won't let you but your too stubborn to surrender. You'll never admit it and that's fine, but I know that sparkle in your eye when your happy, doesn't really see the light of day unless I'm there."

"Ohh you think you know me so well Mr. James don't ya"

"Oh I do"

Spencer affirmed her statement, an slight chuckle on her end following behind it. She set her carry on to the side, crossing her arms, leaning her head back onto the seat she was sitting.

"Okay I've got about fifteen minutes until I board my plane. I'll play along, what else you got?" An coy smile tugged at the corner of his lips.

"9, your passion and how it drives you. When you are passionate about something, you don't let anyone get in your way, even if it's someone you may love or care about. Because when it comes to doing what's right, you care about people getting the justice they so rightfully deserve above anything else. It's such an rare trait, and you have it"

"Is your goal to make me cry tonight?"

Olivia poked fun while also smiling on the inside. Even as her ex, Spencer always found an way to make her happy. Small gestures really do make an difference. Spencer shook his head, halfway up the escalator, an head full of curls in his view now. His heart warmed at the sight.

"Never, just thought you should know, now you gone keep asking questions or you gonna let me finish?" Her eyes rolled playfully, pressing the phone closer to her ear.

"Fine, fine, go on, but you better make it count playboy"

"8, those eyes. Anytime I look into them, I see my future flashing before me. Those eyes are dangerous though cuz it's not easy saying no to you. 7, your heart that is so pure and genuine. I learned this early on the day we met when you shared your laptop with an complete stranger"

Spelivia Diaries: Shots of LoveWhere stories live. Discover now