Chapter 1-New Arrival

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I opened my eyes to nothing but clouded darkness. I was coughing, choking almost, like my throat had been closed shut. I didn't know anything; I couldn't even remember my name. Where was I? Why was I here? Who am I? Who put me here? Thousands of questions drifted through my mind.

I was sitting in some type of odd box. It felt cold to the touch, like metal. I felt around for my surroundings through the pitch-black darkness. I felt what seemed to be a pile of wooden boxes filled with...was that animals? The small boxes that sat slightly jolted with the harsh movement upward, alarmed shrieks rang out.

The box started to accelerate fast, still without any penetrating light. The box slammed to a stop, the corner of it hitting my head. I winced, rubbing the back of it.

A lime green light appeared above me almost like some sort of signal, and then light. Bright, white light. The top seemed to be a door, which had opened and exposed me to whatever lay outside there. I closed my eyes, hiding from the bright light above as if that would do anything. The box started to shake, followed by an accent that oddly gave me a sense of comfort.

"It's a...girl..." The voice said. He said it quietly and with question, almost like he wasn't sure if he was seeing me correctly. Many of the voices, all of which belonged to the other males that stood above started to shout.

"I call dibs!"

"Is she alive?"

"Move, Slinthead! I can't see!"

"Shank, you don't deserve to see,"

" she coming out of the Box or not?"

I slowly uncovered my eyes, seeing a boy with sandy blonde hair standing in the box I was in. His baggy white hoodie left his figure unknown, although he towered over me. He was rubbing the back of his neck, obviously awkwardly. He looked unsure of what to do next as if he's never been in this situation before. 

"Um...hi...welcome to the Glade?" He said, before looking to the boys above him for help. 

"Way to screw it up, Newt," Mumbled a boy from above.

I was still shrunk in the corner of the Box terrified. The boy, Newt, seemed to comprehend that I was terrified. He extended his hand towards me, kneeling on the ground, a comforting small smile on his face.

"Come on. We don't bite," He spoke. He seemed caring and kind, so I trusted him. I felt like I knew him, but I'm not quite sure why. Perhaps it was just the way he was so comforting. I slowly grabbed his hand, and he pulled me up from the corner. Some of the other boys helped me out of the Box before helping Newt.

I surveyed the sight where I stood. Tall, moss-covered stone walls completely surrounded the area. The area itself was filled with various buildings, a small group of trees in one corner, and completely open green grass in the rest. "Can someone please explain what's going on?" I asked my eyes shifting to the other boys' faces. I had an accent identical to the blond boy. Why was I so surprised as to what my own voice sounded like? Shouldn't I have known?

"Welcome to the Glade, Greenie," A muscular boy said walking up to me. His skin was darker than the rest and his head held the shortest of all hair. He wore a tan shirt with short sleeves, darker pants that went all of the ways down to his ankles. "The name's Alby, and I'm in charge here. Can you remember anything? Your name? Where you're from?"

I thought for a moment, but there was nothing to remember. My mind remained empty except for the various questions I still had. I quietly shook my head. I hardly came up to his chest, as he nodded, eyes closed for a second. 

"It's okay. It happened to all of us. Your name will return in about a day or two," Alby said.

"So, where am I again?" I asked. Few boys snickered. Others began to walk away.

"You're in the Glade. Don't worry, you'll learn about this place tomorrow. We have a big event going on tonight so try to enjoy yourself. Thomas can be in charge of your sleeping arrangements," Alby said walking off, along with some of the other boys. 

"Hi, Greenie!" A cheery voice said from behind me. I jumped and slowly turned around. It was a boy with dark brown hair and deep brown eyes who was a whole head and a half taller than me. There was something about him that led me to trust him immediately. Did he seem...familiar? Was that the right word? Was that why I trusted him so quickly?

"Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you," He said, giving me a slight smile. 

"It's...fine," I stuttered, before shakily giving him a smile in return.

"My name's Thomas, but you can call me Tommy like Newt does if you want," The boy spoke happily.

"Okay..." I said, nodding. Twirling a strand of my own hair around my fingers, I noticed it was the same color as Newt's, but slightly lighter.

"Do you remember anything?" Thomas asked. I shook my head.

"It's normal. It has happened to every single one of us," Thomas said.

"Why am I the only girl here?" I asked him.

"Ask them. Not me," Thomas spoke, slightly angry.

"Them? Who's them? Did they send us here?" I asked.

"Yes, they did send us here. We just aren't sure who." Thomas said. "The Creators are full of mystery."

"What is-" I started, but he stopped me from finishing. 

"Greenie, why don't you save all of your questions till the tour tomorrow?" Thomas said, giving me a smile.

I nodded.

"Why don't we pick out a nice hammock for tonight? Then we celebrate!" Thomas said walking away. He turned around a couple of times to make sure I was following. I kept glancing around the strange place the boys called the Glade. I was getting weird looks from everyone, but I tried to ignore it. I understood why everyone stopped what they were doing to look at me. I was the first girl in this place and, more importantly, their newest arrival.

"How about this one?" Thomas asked with a giant smile, pointing at one. It was funny how cheery he was, almost as if he had to be. 

"Thomas, that's mine!" Whaled a short, chubby, little boy. He had floppy, brown, curly hair, and only appeared to be about twelve or thirteen. He didn't seem to notice me yet.

"Sorry, Chuck. Just helping the new Greenie," Thomas said pointing over to me. The boy, Chuck, stared at me with wide eyes and an open mouth. He looked from Thomas to me and back between several times.

"That's the Greenie!" He said in total shock. "A girl?"

"Chuck, calm down. You're making a scene." Thomas whispered.

"I have the right to! No one said it would be some girl," Chuck hissed at Thomas. "Let alone a girl that pretty,"

"Just be quiet," Thomas whispered back.

"You do know I am standing here and can hear every bloody word, right?" I asked, hiding my laughter.

"Yeah," He winked. "Anyway...hammock for Greenie...hammock for Greenie..." Thomas began looking around.

"Since Thomas didn't introduce me, the name's Chuck...currently single..." Chuck said with a smile from cheek to cheek across his face.

"Chuck, whatever you're doing is not gonna work," Thomas said, still searching for a hammock for me.

"What? I'm just trying to be friendly." Chuck said, rolling his eyes at Thomas.

"Ah-Ha," I heard Thomas yell. "I found a hammock!" He said, giving a 'ta-da' look. I giggled.

"Congratulations Thomas. Now give me that so I can give it to her so she will like me!" Chuck hissed. I giggled at the funny boy.

"Chuckie, it's not going to work," Thomas said, reaching over Chuck's head and handing me the hammock.

"Here you go, Greenie!" Thomas said, proud that he had found a hammock.

"Um...thanks..." I said, hanging it next to the others.

"Aww, klunk! I thought she might hang it next to mine!" Chuck stopped his foot like a four-year-old.

"Oh, Chuck," Thomas said facepalming.

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