Chapter 2-Bonfire Bizarreness

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I was sitting down, with my back leaned up against a log, feeling the warm heat from the fire. I hadn't known anything yet, and I still haven't remembered my name. It's painful, not knowing anything about yourself, where you lived, who you are. I just sat waiting, waiting for something to let me know who I am. 

I was staring at the gigantic walls that surrounded the entire Glade, wondering what was on the other side. It was just me sitting there, none of the boys really cared that a girl was in their Glade. Of course, they were startled at first, but now, they didn't give me any extra attention.

I was still thinking about the walls when Newt came over and sat down next to me.

"Hey, Greenie," He said. "How was your first day in the bloody Glade?"

"I still know absolutely nothing," I mumbled.

"You'll find out soon enough," Newt said, smiling.

"Why were we sent here?" I said, looking down at the grass.

"Greenie, no one is sure why. Thomas thinks this is a prison, but I don't think you would do anything bad enough to be sent to a prison." Newt chuckled.

"Well, what do you think?" I asked. "Why do you think we were sent here?"

"I think you should stop asking questions till your tour tomorrow," Newt said.

"Am I really that annoying?" I asked with a little laughter.

"Yes...I mean no...wait...can you repeat the question?" Newt asked.

"Newt..." I whined, pretending I was going to cry. I don't know what it is, but I feel like I've met him before. I feel like I acted like the annoying yet funny younger sister, so that's how I decided to act. 

"I'm sorry. Greenie, I am so sorry. I didn't know playing along would make you cry-" Newt said.

I burst into laughter. Did he seriously fall for it? Did he really think I was going to cry?

"Oh, you are just bloody evil," Newt said, giving me a friendly glare.

I smiled. He picked up his drink and took a sip.

"I want to know so bloody badly why I was sent here, who I was, who I am," I whispered.

"It doesn't matter who we were outside of the Glade. They're gone now and we can't change that." Newt said.

"I guess your right about that," I said.

"Or right about everything," he laughed.

I rolled my eyes.

"Here," he said handing me the drink. "It calms Gladers down."

I took it from him and took a tiny sip, before almost throwing up. I forced myself to swallow and then handed the drink back.

"What the heck was that?" I asked, after making a face.

He laughed, and then took a sip, before staring at the drink through the glass jar.

"I don't even know." He smiled.

"Newt, I could've died from that! You could've died from that! You should know what it is!" I yelled.

"Oh my God. Greenie, calm the bloody heck down," He said. "And you're supposed to be the guest of honor. You shouldn't be sitting here with me! You should be with Thomas or Chuck or someone else partying."

"No," I said, crossing my arms.

"I'll make you get up," Newt said.

"Oh no you won't," I said, my eyes growing wide with fear.

"I'll count to three. One..." Newt started.

"Please no, "


"Newt, I'm not getting up and you can't make me," I said.

"Three!" Newt said, before scooping me up in his arms. He carried me over to where Thomas was standing before plopping my on my feet. My face was bright red, I could feel it burning.

"Newt, are you terrorizing the poor girl?" Thomas asked.

"No...well maybe..." Newt said, running his hand through his hair.

"Newt...that was not okay...that was the opposite of okay," I said, my face still burning.

"But it was funny to see your face. It's still bright red." Newt laughed.

I stood there with my arms crossed giving a 'you better not do that again' look at Newt. He just smiled back.

"I'm so gonna get you back." I glared.

"I'd like to see you try," Newt said, smirking.

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