Chapter 31-Maze Leaving

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           After finding our way through the Maze, we finally arrived at Section 7. We are all ready to run in, but Thomas stopped us.

           "I-is there a Griever?" Chuck asked.

            Thomas nodded. "Yea..."

           "Chuck, you hold onto this," Minho said, tossing Chuck the metal tube with the once again red number seven.

           He caught it, and looked at Thomas, hoping for him to explain.

             "Stay towards the back of the group. Don't let that thing out of your hands," Thomas said.

             "Just stick with me," I smiled at Chuck, who smiled back and nodded.

             "Okay, when we turn that corner, there are going to be Grievers. Chuck and Bridgette will run towards the entrance and open up the door. Make sure they get there or else we're all dead. We get out now, or we die trying," Thomas spoke. Everyone got their weapons ready. "Let's go!" Thomas yelled, turning the corner and charging at the Griever that guarded the entrance. Everyone charged behind him.

                As the other Gladers ran towards the Griever, Chuck and I ran towards the entrance. Unfortunately, we got caught in their fight and Winston accidentally knocked the key out of Chuck's hands.

           "The key!" Chuck yelled, chasing after it.

           "Chuck, watch the edge!" I yelled, chasing after him.

            I heard Thomas call my name, but I ignored it. As the key went over the edge, Chuck caught it, slightly falling over the edge. I grabbed him just in time.

             "I got ya, Chuck." I said, grabbing him and pulling him up.

             He screamed, and started running towards the door as a Griever climbed up the wall.

             I chased after him.

             The group of Gladers that fought the Griever pushed the injured Griever over the edge. They started cheering but when they saw Chuck and I running to them, they of course probably only thought one thing: "oh shuck..."

            All of the boys pushed Chuck and I behind them so we could open the entrance. I heard the familiar sound of the door opening, mixed in with the chaos behind us.

"It worked!" Chuck shrieked with excitement.

"It better have bloody worked," I mumbled, before, both of us jumped inside. We ran in, but only found another wall. It looked like another door, but there was no key.

As I tried to open up the door, a red light flashed, and eight numbers appeared on a screen in red. 

             "Thomas," I shouted. "There's a code! Eight numbers!"

              "Eight numbers? What the shuck?!" He asked.
              "I don't know! But it won't let us leave until we put a code in!" I shouted back.

               "I don't know what the code is!" He yelled.

                 Oh god...oh my shucking god. Eight numbers. Code. Maze. An I sea formed in my head.

                 "What's the order of the Sections?!" I asked.

                  "The order? Uh...hey, Minho! What's the order?" He asked, nudging Minho's arm.

                  "What? You don't know?!" Minho yelped focusing on killing the Griever he was fighting.
                  "I what is it?" He said.

                  "Uh...7. 1. 5. 2-" he said as I pressed the flowing numbers on the screen.

                    "Watch out!" I heard Newt tell, and a Griever landed on top of Minho.

                    As Minho struggled to get out from under the Griever, Jeff suddenly ran forward and stabbed the Griever through the head. Minho slid out from under the Griever and Jeff was yanked forward by it, soon surrounded by Grievers.

                "Minho! The last four numbers!" I yelled.

                "8. 6. 4. 3. You got it?" He asked as I clicked the last digit. The screen turned green, as the word "Complete" showed on the screen.

                 The doors started to close, crushing anything in their path. Several Grievers were squished, and Thomas throw a knife at one, knocking it back before it got to us.

                 And just like that. We had made it out. The door closed, and we were out of the Maze.

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