Chapter 17-The Syringe

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            •Bridgette's P.O.V.•

            The next morning I woke up, I was greeted by Thomas.

            "Morning, Munchkin. Ready to go into the Maze?" Thomas asked.

             "Yep," I said hopping out of my hammock and putting my Runner's Pack on.

             "Your gonna run with me. Can't risk you getting hurt for the thousandth time," Thomas laughing.

             "Fine with me," I replied.


             When we came back from the Maze, the Doors closed soon after. We Mapped our Section, Section 8.

              "So there was a Wall right here-" Thomas started, pointing at a blank space on the paper.

              "No, the Wall was right here. The Blades were where you pointed," I argued, pointing at a different blank space on the paper.

"No, the Wall was right here, and the Blades were over there," Thomas argued back.

"No! It's the other way around!" I argued.

"No, you got it wrong!" Thomas said.

"No, you got it wrong," I said.

"No, you-" Thomas started.

"Shut the shuck up," Minho hissed. "And Bridgette is right,"

I smiled. "Told you,"


              The alarm started ringing for the Box.

              "Wait, why is the Box coming back up?" I asked.

              "It comes up every week to give us supplies," Minho said.

              "Oh..." I said.

              "Hey, can I have a hand here?" Newt called from the Box. I walked over and helped him carry the boxes. But clumsy me, I dropped one of the Boxes, spilling out its items.

The box spilled out a bunch of syringes. I picked them up, holding them in my hand and staring at one.

"There from W.C.K.D," I whispered.

"W.C.K.D?" Thomas asked.

            "Wicked is good," I said. "Alby,"


We all ran to where Alby was, barely alive in the Homestead.

"Wait, we don't even know what this thing is! For all we know it could bloody kill him!" Newt said.

"He's already dying!" I said.

            Newt looked at Alby, who was struggling to breathe, before looking back at me.

            "Fine. Do it," He said.

            I walked over to Alby, holding the syringe close to his chest. He looked up at me, and when he realized it was me, he grabbed my neck, yelling the I shouldn't be here.

            "You shouldn't be here! Why are you here! You shouldn't be here!" Alby yelled.

            "Grabbed the syringe!" I heard Newt yell.

             Thomas grabbed the syringe that was in my hand and injected whatever was in it, into Alby's chest.

              Alby let go of my neck, leaving me to gasp for air.

               "Well that worked," Jeff said.

               "Okay, from now on someone watches him around the clock," Newt commanded.


               "What the shuck did Alby mean?!" I asked Thomas when we were outside the Homestead.

               "Don't ask me," Thomas replied.

               "He said, and I quote, you shouldn't be here! Why are you here? You shouldn't be here," I said. "Now what the shuck does that mean?"

"I don't know," Thomas spoke.

               "Why am I not supposed to be here?" I asked.

"I. Don't. Know! How many times do I have to say that!" Thomas said.

"I wasn't asking you, Tom," I said. "I asked myself the question."

He looked at me with a blank stare.

"I still don't know why Alby said that," He replied.

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