Chapter 12-Maze Girl

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              •Bridgette's P.O.V.•

             Newt walked me back to my hammock after I explained everything in my dream to him. I'm happy to have him as a friend.

           "I'll tell Minho tomorrow. I think I have an idea where that 'strange place' is," Newt said.

          "You're gonna run tomorrow!?" She asked, completely scared.

         "I don't know. I don't think Minho knows where this place is so I would have to show him," Newt replied.

         "Then I'm running with you," I said.

         "No way, Bridgette," He said.

         "Yes, I am. It was my dream. Maybe I could find out what this 'strange place' is," I said.

           "You have a bloody injured ankle! I'm not gonna let you run!" He replied.

           "It barely hurts. I'm running tomorrow. We could all run together and keep track of each other instead of splitting up. It will work just as good," I said.

           "I'll think about it," He said finally before walking away to his hammock.

           I had to run tomorrow.


"Chancellor Ava Paige, should we add vines on the walls?" I asked the lady with blonde hair tucked into a high bun.

"Yes, please do, Miss Bridgette. Just don't make the vines go all the way up," The lady replied. "Just have enough vines for someone to hide under,"


"Holy shuck," I woke up from another dream that I think was a memory. It was short, but it gave me information.

"The vines!" I thought. I looked around and saw Newt talking with Minho. It was morning but the Doors weren't open yet. I quickly got out of my hammock and quickly hobbled over to them. Hey! My ankle doesn't hurt as bad as it did!

"Hi, Bridgette! I was just telling Minho about what you told me-" Newt started.

"It's the vines!" I said.

"The vines don't go all the way to the top. So that wouldn't help at all," Minho grumbled.

"But what about underneath them!" I said.

"Bridgette, what would we do with out you?" Newt said with a smile on his face.


A couple minutes later, Thomas was up and ready to run in the Maze.

"Morning, Munchkin!" Thomas said, kissing my forehead.

"Morning, Tom!" I said.

I saw Newt put on a Runner's Pack.

"Newt, you're running?" Thomas asked.

Newt nodded.

"Well let me know if you find him," I said to the three boys.

"You'll know if we find him. You're coming with," Newt said.

"What?" Minho...

"No injured girlfriend isn't going into the Maze..." Thomas...

"It was her dream!" Newt said. Then he explained everything to Thomas.

"I hate to say it but...I think she should come with us..." Thomas agreed.

"Gally can watch over the Gladers till we get back," Newt said, handing me a Runner's Pack. I put the leather backpack on and walked towards the Doors. They were just opening, as I stared at the Maze inside that revealed itself.

            "Ready?" Thomas asked.

            I nodded, then we all ran in.


•Thomas's P.O.V.•

We all ran into the Maze, with Minho leading the way. Bridgette was running as fast as she could, but it was obvious that her ankle still hurt a little.

"Where did you last see Alby?" She asked me.

"Um...right out front of Section 2," I replied.

"Let's head there then look around for him," She said. We all nodded. Wow...she became a Leader as soon as she stepped into the Maze.

We all ran towards Section 2, slowing down a little bit for Bridgette and Newt. We reached it and started searching underneath the vines. I had no luck. Minho didn't have any luck either.

I heard Bridgette scream and I ran towards where she was. She was completely scared at what she saw. I lifted up the vines and saw Alby, our Leader, stung.


•Bridgette's P.O.V.•

I couldn't help it. At the sight I saw, Alby the Leader stung, how can someone like me not take that seriously?

All three boys ran over, Thomas making sure I was alright. He slowly lifted up the vines, uncovering the Leader again.

"Bloody hell..." Newt whispered.

"He's still breathing," Minho spoke.

"We have to take him back to the Glade," I said.

"There is no cure!" Minho shouted.

"But what if-" I started.

"There's no cure!" Minho repeated.

"He didn't die in the Maze! He may have gotten stung, but that doesn't mean we can't try to save him," I said.


"He's our Leader. We can't just leave him out here," I continued.

Still silence.

"He may have seen something that can help us get out of here," I said.

The silence still continued for a few seconds.

"All right. We will take him back," Newt.

"I agree," Thomas.

"As much as I think this shucking plan will fail, let's get this leader back to the Glade," Minho.

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