Chapter 11-Dreams

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"What the bloody hell, Thomas! I was gonna beat him up! He deserved it, that bloody shank," I said, after Thomas had pulled me away from the crowd of Gladers.

"I know how much Gally deserves it but come on. I don't need my girl to have a black eye and another bleeding head," Thomas said.

            "I was just trying to defend myself! I was trying to defend you! He needed to be beat up by a girl...again..." I spoke.

"I know he's needs to be beat up, but not at that moment," Thomas said. 

           "Okay...I understand," I said, calming down.

           "Good," Thomas replied.


         "Come with me," A lady whispered into my ear.

         I got up and followed her towards a tube filled with water.

         "Do not underestimate the power of the Maze Trials. You have to find a way out, even by looking in the strangest places. Bridgette, Wicked is Good,"


            I woke up panting. I sat up in my hammock, looking at the midnight sky that covered the Glade. That dream...was it a dream?

           I looked around, seeing the Glade covered by darkness. Every thing was silent, except for the moving of the Walls inside the Maze.

            "Bloody hell," I whispered to myself. That didn't seem like a dream, but why of all the Gladers remember something?

            I saw that every other Glader was asleep...except for one...

           Newt was still awake. He was sitting in his hammock, staring at the ground. I got out of my hammock and hobbled over to the Deadheads, hopefully Newt wouldn't follow.

            I reached the Deadheads and leaned up against the tree.

             "What the bloody hell? Maze Trials? Look in the strangest places? Wicked is Good? Oh bloody hell, what does it mean?" I asked myself aloud. "What the bloody hell does it mean?"


            •Newt's P.O.V•

Alby didn't come back, and no one survives a night in the Maze. Bloody hell. I can't be in charge of all of the Gladers! No way in bloody hell could I do that!

I marched away from everyone and sat in my hammock till sundown. Even after that, I was still sitting in my hammock. I hated this place so bloody much, so why did I have to be in charge?

I didn't get any sleep. I sat in my hammock, staring the ground. In the corner of my eye, I saw someone hobble away to the Deadheads, and there is only one person who would do that. Bridgette.

I followed her into the Deadheads cause I wanted to know what was up. After all, she was one of my really good friends.

        "What the bloody hell? Maze Trials? Look in the strangest places? Wicked is Good? Oh bloody hell, what does it mean?" I heard her ask herself.

"Maze Trials?" I asked myself.

"Wicked is Good...what is Wicked?" She asked herself.

Then I remembered the signs on the Maze Walls... "World In Catastrophe: Killzone Experiment Department". That spells WICKED! It's an acronym!

"World In Catastrophe: Killzone Experiment Department!" I said to myself. I leaned up against the tree I was hiding behind and sighed in relief.

"N-Newt? Were you spying on me?" I heard the voice of Bridgette.

I turned to my left to see her standing there with a scared look on her face.

"No! I saw you run over here cause I was awake and I wanted to make sure you were okay!" I said.

"I'm was just a bad dream that I had..." She whispered.

"Are you sure?" I asked.

"I'm fine," She hissed. She still had a scared look on her face and she didn't meet my eyes.

I nodded.

"Anyway, the question is are you okay? I saw you march away and you seemed upset," She said.

"Yea...I'm fine," I said.

"Okay..." She said, still not meeting my eyes.

"Brit, are you sure your okay? You look like your about to cry!" I said, lifting her chin up so she would look me in the eyes.

"Why are we here..." She whispered, a little tear falling down her cheek.

"I don't know," I said, wiping the tear away. "No one knows,"

"I think I do..." She said. "There's something or someone called Wicked and it has something to do with Maze Trials but...but I don't know! I tried figuring it out and then I pieced together Maze Trials and Wicked but there still is one bloody part..." She was crying. She had some type of dream that told her this...but were they dreams?

"Shh...its okay...what was the final part?" I asked.

"Look in the strangest places..." She replied.

"Look in the strangest places?" I repeated.

She nodded.

"This lady told me to look in the strangest places and that Wicked is Good and not to underestimate the Maze Trials and none of it makes sense!" She said, crying. "It seems real, but why would I remember? And why now?"

"When I was in the Maze, there were these signs that said 'World In Catastrophe: Killzone Experiment Department'. Maybe Wicked is an acronym and its stands for that," I said.

She sniffled. "But why would she tell me to look in the strangest places?"

I thought for a moment. Then an idea came into my mind.

"Alby," I said.

"But no one survived a night in the Maze, before. You told me yourself!" She said.

"Well maybe he's hiding the a strange place," I replied.

"And we were sent here into the Maze Trials," She smiled.

I smiled back.

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