Chapter 9-Banishment for Ben

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                I was sitting in my hammock with my injured ankle laying on it and my other foot on the ground, rocking my hammock back and forth.

              "Brit, what happened to your ankle?" Newt asked.

             "Ben dislocated it..." I said. "What happened to him anyway?"

             "We call it the Changing. It what happens when you get bloody stung," Newt said.

             "Stung?" I asked.

              "Attacked by a bloody Griever," He replied.

              "Oh..." I replied. "What's going to happen to him?"

              "Banishment," He said looking at the ground.

              "Banishment!? I know he attacked me and dislocated my ankle, but don't you think that's a little too bloody harsh?" I said.

             "There's no bloody cure...and he will just get more crazy and violent. Plus, he broke one of our rules. He hurt you," Newt said, glancing up at me at the end.

            "Right...he broke a rule and got stung...okay..." I said.

             There was a couple moments of silence, but then Thomas ran over.

             "Bridgette, are you okay? I heard what happened," Thomas said, pulling me into a hug.

              "Yea, I'm fine, just watch my bloody ankle," I said.

              "Newt, do you give me permission to beat Ben up?" Thomas asked the second in command.

             "No, I do not give you permission," Newt said.

             "But Newt-" Thomas whined.

             "But nothing. He's already being banished," Newt interrupted.


"Minho, please," Ben said as Mr. Sass Man pushed Ben through the crowd of Gladers.

No one said anything, we all just stared.

Mr. Sass Man cut the ropes that tired up Ben, cutting off his Runner's Backpack as well.

"Minho, no. Please don't," Ben cried. Mr. Sass Man gave an unsure glance at Alby who nodded.

And with that, Ben's Runner Backpack was thrown into the Maze.

Ben started backing up, extremely scared.

"Poles!" Alby yelled and the Keepers who had the poles, used them to push Ben into the Maze. Ben was screaming at the top of his lungs and the Doors closed.

Everyone stood in silence, no one moved from where they were. Every Glader seemed to look at the ground with the same expression. Alby looked up, opened his mouth, but then closed it. He was going to say something, but he didn't, and walked away, followed by the other Keepers.


"Do you think he'll make it?" I asked Tom.

"Who? Ben?" He replied.

I nodded.

"I don't think so. No one has survived a night in the Maze," He spoke.

I looked down at the ground, gently pushing off of the ground with my good leg, making the hammock rock back and forth.

"Hey, Bridgette. What's up besides this whole Ben thing? What's wrong, Munchkin?" Thomas asked.

"It's...nothing...I'm fine," I said, turning my head and not looking at him.

"Bridgette, please tell me," Thomas whispered.

"I can't get what Ben said out of my bloody head," I said, looking into his dark brown eyes.

"When he attacked you?" Thomas questioned.

I nodded. "He said he saw me...I don't know what that means,"

"It was probably nothing. We haven't really gotten information clear from him lately," Thomas said.

"Okay..." I said.

"Would you guys shut up? I'm trying to sleep here," That was Chuck...

"Fine. Wouldn't want to keep you up Chuck," I said, rolling my eyes at him. I faced away from them, and closed my eyes, hoping for sleep to come.

"I saw that," Muttered Chuck. "I saw you roll your eyes,"

I giggled, then drifted off into sleep.

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