Chapter 30- Leaving

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           •Thomas's P.O.V.•

           "Are you ready?" I asked Bridgette.

"Ready to be banished in the Maze? No," Bridgette said.

            "No, are you ready to leave? Are you ready for the plan?" I asked.

            "Oh...yea...I guess," She said. "The only thing is, what if he doesn't listen?"

"All you have to do is stall us getting locked into the Maze and attacked by Grievers," I said.

"I don't control the Grievers. I also know that those Doors won't close till everyone in this Glade dies or leaves," Bridgette spoke.

              "Just...stall Gally please. At least till Chuck comes back with all the weapons. Pwease..." I said giving puppy dog eyes.

             "Never ever give me puppy dog eyes ever again, Tom. Never," Bridgette said, trying to hold back her laugh.

             "You shank..." I muttered.


             •Bridgette's P.O.V.•

            I was pushed towards the Doors, my hands held behind my back. The Glade was still in flames, every single building burnt.

            Gally gave me an evil smile, and I returned a glare back to him.

          "Gally, please. You don't know what your doing." I spoke.

           "I know exactly what I'm doing, Shank," Gally growled. "Look what you did to our Glade! You destroyed it."

            "Well, maybe instead of banishing us, you should not be a shuckface and we could work together to get you and everyone out of this place." I said.

            "Oh, this isn't a banishment. It's an offering." Gally said.

            "What? Gally, no. Please-" I said, trying to stall as much as I could.

            "Tie them up," Gally said, mentioning to Thomas and I. Gally's minion's did nothing. "Did you not hear me? I said tie them up!" Gally yelled.

             One of them reached for my hands, but I kicked him where guys should not be kicked. Thomas hit two on the head, knocking them out cold.

             I soon saw Chuck running over with a bunch of weapons. He handed me a knife, which I then pointed at Gally.

              "Wow, Bridgette. Aren't you full of surprises." Gally mumbled.

              "We aren't trying to hurt you, any of you. But if you want to live, come with us." I said, staring at all of the Gladers.

              "She's just trying to scare you-" Gally started.

               "No, I'm not. We aren't trying to scare you. We are all scared," I looked around at the Gladers next to me. Thomas, Newt, Minho, and Chuck. "But we found a way out. Come with us, and we will get out of here. I'd rather try and make it out there, then spend the rest of my life in here. Anyone who wants to come, can." I finished. Frypan and Jeff stepped forward, and walked towards us.

Soon a bunch of other Gladers were standing behind us, ready to escape.

"Gally...come with us," I said.

              "Good luck against the Grievers," Gally said, turning away.

               I sighed before turning towards the Maze and facing the crowd of Gladers.

              "Lead the way," Minho said, gesturing to the open Doors.

                I nodded and spoke "Stick together and don't get lost-"

                 "What she's trying to say is 'Be careful. Don't die.'" Minho stepped in.

                  "Great," Newt said. "We're all bloody inspired."

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