Chapter 25-Alby Has Awakened

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•Thomas's P.O.V.•

We all literally sprinted to the Homestead, yanking the door open. We all raced into the room Alby was in to see him sitting on the side of the bed with his head in his hands.

"Are you alright, Alby?" Newt said sitting down next to Alby.

Alby didn't reply, he didn't even look over at us.

Bridgette looked over at me with a worried expression and mouthed "should I say something". I shrugged in reply.

Bridgette squatted down so Alby could see her.

"Hey, Alby. We think we found a way out of this place," Bridgette said. Alby didn't look at her, he just spoke.

"We can't leave," He whispered.

"Sure we can! We just need to get up and walk right out of here," Bridgette spoke.

"We can't leave," Alby repeated. "Why'd you come here, Bridgette? You were always their favorite. Why did you come here?"

Bridgette stood up, unsure of what to do next. Gally looked at her, them to all of us.

"Do you still think I'm over reacting?" He said. "Bridgette shouldn't be here! She should've died when she had the chance. She's obviously one of them, so why is she still here?"

"Hey, Gally, can you do me a favor and shut up," Newt said. "No one said she is one of them. There has to be a misunderstanding,"

"Newt, she is one of them! She put us here, so why are you taking her side?" Alby said.

"You heard Alby, Newt. She is one of them. I say we kill her," Gally said.

"Excuse me? No, you are not going to kill Bridgette," I cut in.

"Would you stay out if this, shank?" Gally hissed.

"No! I'm here, and she's my girl! I'm not gonna stay out of this when you want to kill her!" I spat.

"Enough! No one is killing anyone," Newt yelled. "Bridgette doesn't remember anything about her past life. Only Alby does. Whoever we were before the Maze, they're gone now. We need to work together on this and leave this place to show the Creators who's boss,"

I looked at Bridgette, who looked so terrified but she tried not to show it. "Its okay." I mouthed to her. She nodded.

"I still think we should kill her," Gally muttered.

"Gally! Shut up already!" Newt yelled at him.


            •Bridgette's P.O.V.•

            What does Alby mean "I was always their favorite"? Who's favorite? If I was this person's favorite, then why was I sent here? many questions.


•Gally's P.O.V.•

"I say we kill her," I said.

"I already said no," Newt glared.

"We have to do something about her. We can't let her back into the Maze though," I said, folding my arms.

"No! She hasn't harmed anyone and she probably won't!" Thomas yelled.

"Why are you here, shank?" I grumbled.

"Because I am," Thomas grumbled.

            "What if what Alby revived as his memory, isn't his, how do I put this, uh, exact memory," Minho cut in.

            "What do you mean?" Newt asked.

            "Well, the Creators put us here into this death trap and deleted our memories. For all we know, they could've changed our memories," Minho said.

"That...that may actually be true..." Thomas said.

"You guys all lost it. You're taking her side? Her side? I thought you all were smarter than klunk," I mumbled.

"What did she do to you, Gally? Huh? What caused you to hate her?" Newt asked.

"She's annoying-" I started.

"No she isn't. Not if you are nice to her at least once in your life," Minho said.

"She's a shank-" I started again.

"No she isn't. She probably doesn't try to be mean," Newt spoke.

"She should be dead-" I started. The three shanks went silent. Then Thomas left, literally stormed out of the Council Hall.

"Gally, you obviously don't understand. Try being nice to people for once..." Newt said, walking out along with Minho.



•Bridgette's P.O.V.•

Gally wanted to kill me! He wanted me dead! How harsh can someone shucking be?! I just couldn't think, so I paced in the place to think.

               "What the shuck?! What did I ever shucking do?!" I whispered to myself.

               I heard crinkling of fallen leaves and I looked up in alarm.

              "Bridgette, you here?" Thomas yelled.

             "Go away," I whispered.

             "No, I'm not going to leave you here," Thomas said.

             "I said go away!" I yelled this time.

             "Munchkin-" Thomas started.

            "Go away, Thomas. I don't want to hurt anyone..." I said.

            "Bridgette, you aren't going to hurt anyone," He said.

            "But what if I do. It's not like I can promise that I won't," I replied.

            "What do you mean you can't promise?" Thomas asked, confused.

            "I promised Newt I wouldn't get hurt in the Maze and I did! I broke a promise! I broke a shucking promise!" I said. "How can anyone trust me now?"

           "You didn't know what was going to happen! You never know what will happen in the Maze!" Thomas spoke, pulling me into a hug.

           "Thomas...I'm scared," I whispered.

          "It's okay, Munchkin. I won't let Gally hurt you," He whispered back.

          "I'm not afraid of Gally... I'm afraid of myself," I spoke.

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