Chapter 15-The Second Plan

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            I couple hours had passed and I haven't said a single word. My ankle seemed to be better, which was good.

            I was checked by Jeff and Clint to make sure I was okay, and they said I should get rest in my hammock.

           So I did. Dinner was made a couple hours after that.

           "I brought you some food," Thomas said. "Frypan made Meatloaf,"

           I turned my back to him, showing him I didn't want it.

           "Bridgette, come on. It's food and you haven't eaten all day," Thomas said.

           I still had my back to him. I didn't want to speak, and I wasn't hungry.

           "Bridgette, please answer me," Thomas said.

           "I'm not hungry..." I whispered.

           "Bridgette-" Thomas started.

           "I not hungry, all right?" I asked, turning towards him.

           "Munchkin, it's Gally, isn't it," Thomas said.

           I nodded.

           "You can just totally forget about him. He's nothing," Thomas said.

           "But why did I come back? It makes no sense. If I don't have a purpose, which I don't, why did I come back?" I asked.

           "Because you have people who care about you that can't live a day without you," Thomas said.

           He smiled at me, but I didn't smile back.

"Munchkin! I love your smile and I wanna see it, but you aren't smiling," Thomas said, pouting like a three year old.

"Maybe I don't want to smile," I said.

"But smiling is good," Thomas said.

I couldn't help but laugh.

           "Just forget about Gally. He's a jerk and a slinthead and a shank," Thomas said.

           "Okay..." I spoke.


•Gally's P.O.V.•

Why did she come back, you may ask. I have no shucking clue. It's not like she found anything.

But I happened to make her shut up for the rest of the day.

It was good, not hearings a single word out of that Shank. It was as if she hadn't even arrived in the Glade for a day.

Everything was perfect...till she decided to start talking again next morning.

But I seriously needed to get rid of her! Runner or not, she needs to go.


•Bridgette's P.O.V.•

The next morning I woke up to the sunlight. No one else was up. I sat up in my hammock, looking at the Glade in the morning sunlight.

I got up out of my hammock, putting on my Runner's pack before walking towards the Doors.

My ankle barely hurt, which meant I could run.

"Hey, Greenie," I heard someone say behind me.

I turned around to see Gally. He had a smug look on his face as he stared down at me.

      "What do you want, Shank?" I asked him.

     "Just to talk," He responded.

     "Then start talking," I grumbled.

     "You're not like us. You're curious," Gally said. "And I can't have that around my Glade,"

     "What-" I started but a Glader put a hand over my mouth.

     "Take her to the back of the Builder's Hut," He commanded, and I was soon carried over to the Builder's Hut and placed (more like thrown) into a small closet.

     "Gally, what the bloody shuck!" I yelled at him, before his hand was over my mouth.

     "Shut up! Just shut up! And if you dare try to escape or call for your boyfriend, don't expect to see him ever again," He threatened.

     I stayed silent, looking at Gally with scared eyes.

     "So you understand. Good..." He said, before closing the closet and locking it from the outside.

     I wanted to scream for someone, but it was Gally. Gally could beat up anyone.

      So I sat quietly in the closet, hugging my knees, hoping someone would find me soon.


      •Thomas's P.O.V.•

      I woke up and turned to Bridgette's hammock, only to not see her there. I got up, running to the Doors, when an annoying Shank spoke.

      "Hey, Thomas," Gally said.

      "What do you want?" I muttered.

      "I just wanted to apologize for being a Shank," Gally said, folding his arms. "No need to be rude,"

"Whatever. Have you seen Bridgette?" I asked.

"No," He spoke.

        I didn't believe him at first since he tried getting rid of her, but then I did believe him.

        "You ain't lying about this right?" I asked him.

         "No! Why would I shucking lie when I just shucking apologized to you for lying!" Gally said. "Maybe she is in the Maze already,"

         "You think?" I asked.

         "Probably," Gally said.

          I looked inside the Maze, and ran in.


           •Bridgette's P.O.V.•

It was about night time, when Gally opened up the door to the closet, but didn't let me out.

"Gally, let me go please," I said.

"Nah, I don't want to. I've got your shank boyfriend running around the Glade looking for you...and I like you begging," He said. He had a plate full of food. My stomach growled.

"At least give me something to eat," I said. "Please,"

He evilly smiled at me, and walked out of the closet, closing and locking the door behind him.

I was alone, in a dark closet, starving, cold, and scared. Cross that out. I wasn't scared, I was mortified.

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