Chapter 22-Comas Suck

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•Bridgette's P.O.V.•

Being in a coma sucks. I'm constantly seeing nothing, as if I'm turned off. But as soon as someone walks in the room, I instantly am aware of who it is and what they are saying.

Most of the time, it's Thomas who comes into the room and hours seem to pass till he leaves. The first couple of times, Jeff and Clint had to shove him out of the room, claiming he would get sick if he didn't leave me alone for at least an hour.

What was weird was after Newt had apparently stormed out of the room I was in, he had never came back. I wanted to wake up and tell both of them that I was okay, but I couldn't.

I mean, I broke a promise to my brother. I lied. Maybe he didn't want to even want to know that I existed.

I just stayed in the coma and it seemed days would drag on and on. Days turning into weeks. Weeks turning into months. Months turning into years. Did years even pass or has it only been seconds? Minutes? Hours? I had no clue. But I knew that Thomas would come in everyday: before he ran in the Maze, and after he mapped his Section.

But I don't want that.

I want to be with him in the Maze. I don't want to be stuck in a coma and only hear him. I want to open up my eyes and wake up from this bloody coma. I was to live as a Glader, not live in sleep. Yea, sleep is awesome, but it gets very boring when your stuck in it.

And I don't want to be stuck in it any longer.


Thomas's P.O.V.•

I can't take it anymore. My girlfriend is in a shucking coma and I can't do anything about it! I can't wake her up or anything. And I would've found a way, I've tried waking her up. Unfortunately, Jeff and Clint said I shouldn't or things could get worse.

I want her to wake up. I want her to jump out of the bed she is in, run out of the homestead, and run up to me. I want her to run in the Maze again with me. I want to get out of this place together. But it seems as if I can't and won't be able to.

And I mean, Bridgette just found out that Newt is her brother! She has to wake up because of that! She found her brother and shouldn't leave him. Speaking of Newt, where is he?


•Newt's P.O.V.•

I've been dying on the inside, literally. I can't take seeing my sister in a coma! I just found out she was my sister, and now she's stuck in a stupid shucking coma!

It's not fair to her, to Tommy, to me, to anyone. The smartest person in the entire Glade, the only girl, the only Bridgette, my sister, is stuck in a place where she can't wake up from.

I just cannot take it anymore. Its been about...three days? Four? Whatever. It just seems day after day after day, and my sister is still asleep, in a coma, where she doesn't seem to be able to wake up from.

She needs to wake up. She has to wake up. She will wake up.


•Gally's P.O.V.•

Am I happy that Bridgette is in a coma? Yea, I actually am. Her boyfriend is out of my way, she's out of my way, nothing could be better!

She's currently out of my life, and I am more than happy. I couldn't be happier! The annoying shank is gone for now, and if I get lucky, she won't wake up at all! Now that would make me the happiest Glader ever.


•Thomas's P.O.V.•

It has been a total of four days and a half days and Bridgette is still in a coma.

After mapping my Section, I ran over to the Homestead and into the room Bridgette was in.

"How is she? Did she wake yet? Did she move at all? Did she-" I started.

The two Med-Jacks looked at me, a facial expression I didn't know.

"What happened?" I asked, choking back tears.

"Thomas, man, its been almost five days. Her arm seems shattered, and she's been in a coma for days now. She's not gettin' any better," Jeff spoke.

"N-no. You d-do not s-say that," I stuttered.

"Thomas-" Clint started.

"No! She will get better! She will wake up from the shucking coma!" I yelled.

"Thomas! She's not getting better. People die, and there were a whole bunch of Gladers that died. You saw a couple die, did you not? She's not getting better, and there's a better chance of her dying than of her surviving," Jeff said.

"She...will not...die..." I spoke through my teeth, my hands balked up into fists.

The Med-Jacks grew silent. Very silent. Too silent.

And then they walked out of the room, closing the door behind them. I glanced at Bridgette, and squeezed my eyes shut, holding back the tears.

I wasn't even sure if she would wake up anymore. I've lost hope, she's my everything, and I can't imagine my life without her. I placed my shaking hand ever so gently on her's and cried. The Med-Jacks said it thereselves. Bridgette didn't have much of a chance of her waking up. I cried even harder.

"I love you, Bridgette. Please don't leave me," I whispered.

I lifted my hand up from onto of her's and the next thing I knew, Bridgette's hand was on mine. I nearly shrieked with joy and glanced up at Bridgette. Unfortionalty, she was still in a coma, but at least she showed that she wasn't dead yet and made an effort to wake up.

All I needed was a sign. And there it was. My hope returned.

Bridgette would definetly wake up.

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